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Q & A




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Lea Fan Q and A
This page is a place for fans of Lea Riley to get questions answered. If you have a question please email it here. -Nick
If it's good, it will appear on this page. Cya

Pecka - Would you ever pose nude for playboy?
"First reaction is 'No way!!!!! I'd be too scared!!!' But then I thought maybe if you were really famous it might be like... cool. Then I thought 'Nah!!!!!'.
I have seen tasteful nude photography, like some of the sports woman get done. I might do that one day."

Anonymous - Would you ever sell your underwear on eBAY?
No I don't think so! I'm too attatched to it! LOL

Dan - If you had 1 wish, what would you wish for?
Playfully - to have a successful acting or presenting career.
Seriously - to be a happy girl with a happy family for the rest of my life.

Pecka - Do you see us as fans or friends?
Most of you are like penpals. But different because you can see me and I can't see you! LOL

Mike - If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be, and why?
Either Pebbles, the Jetsons daughter or Misty from Pokemon. Pebbles is top of the list.

Pecka - What "group" did you hang around with in school?
Well I went to two High Schools coz I moved state. I did a bit of the popular group but found my place in the muso, alternative group. Too cool to really classify.
Creative and silly - we hung out in the quadrangle..... very groovy!

Dan - If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead, who would it be and why?
Freddie Mercury. Voice of a God. Flamoyant and carefree. And my mum's favourite performer of all time.

Pecka - What were youre first impressions of Ash and Holly?
I don't know how to answer that!

Shell - What did you want to be when you were growing up?
An actor, an architect, an archiologist! Weird.... they all begin with "A"!!!!

Pecka - You are stranded on an island, what 5 things would you take, and why?
Do I be practical or silly here? Wine to pass the time, my Stinger doll to keep me amused, my puffer jacket to keep me warm, Ash because.... well.......need I say more and my computer so I could order everything off the net!!!!!

Mike - Tea or Coffee?
Tea AM and coffee PM.

Amanda - If you didn't make it in the acting business, what kind of job would you have wanted to do?
Well, when I was younger I thought of being an architect, teaching crossed my mind. Even graphic design, but after seeing Ash at work, I don't think I'm talented enough!

Amanda - Would you give up EVERTHING (including job, boyfriend etc) to travel the world?
I would possibly give up my job, but I would take my boyfriend with me definitely!!!

Amanda - How much would it mean to you to be cast in a main role in a major Hollywood film?
It would be a dream come true. Originally I wanted to work on stage, but since I've been infront of a camera..... the allure is too great! But...... like it will happen! Sigh!

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