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Jamie's Questionaire

I received this qestionaire from Gena, off of the Bamber mailing list. She sent a letter to Jamie with 25 questions which Jamie filled out and sent back just for our reading pleasure! (what a sweetie!:) So, without further ado, I give you Jamie's answers:

Full Name: Jamie St. John Bamber Griffith (had to change my professional surname for Equity UK)


Marital status: Single

Parents from?: Dad, Ralph Griffith from Detroit Michigan. Mum, Elizabeth Bamber from Ballymena, Co Antrim N. Ireland

Education: St. Paul's School, London + St. John's College Cambridge then: LAMDA

Degrees: 1st Class M.A. Honors in Modern Languages

Hobbies: Sports (Rugby, golf + skiing-anything!) + literature + art

Favorite Foods: Italian, Risotto

Favorite Colors: Blue-Green

Favorite Authors: Dante, Shakespeare

What music do you enjoy?: All types depending on mood + situation

What challenges you?: Filling time between acting jobs. Realtionships. Finding trust.

What annoys you?: Laziness + lach of imagination/energy

When did you know you wanted to be an actor and why? When I was four. I played the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of OZ directed by my Mum who was an actress. But in later years: I never admitted it to anyone properly until I got into LAMDA (Drama School) in 1996. I never wanted to appear an impractical dreamer-something; which young, aspiring actors can invariably seem to be.

What did you enjoy most about working on Horatio Hornblower?: The company of fantastic actors. Playing Archie/Horatio dialogue especially in the prison sequence.

What did you enjoy least?: I had too much time off in the Ukraine (esp. 1+2) and went stir crazy, making stupid bets in the casino.

Do you enjoy doing period pieces like H. Hornblower and The Scarlet Pimpernel?: Yes, but as long as the characters have precedence over the costumes and the locations.

What project would you like to work on someday?: To play Hamlet at the Royal National Theatre, in London.

IF you weren't an actor, what career do you think you'd like to try?: In practical + realistic terms I have no idea: producer, writer? Director/film/theatre? In dreams: Racing driver, professional rugby player, photographer/painter, architect. Trainer of race horses-like my grandfather.

How did you pay your bills prior to acting?: I was a student funded by the state + my parents. But I worked in resturants + the wine trade on holidays.

Would you ever like to try your hand at directing?: Yes, love to. But never have as yet.

What projects do you have in the works at the moment?: Poirot (for A&E) Otherwise nothing definate.

Have you visited the web sites yet?: Yes, only one recently. I don't have/understand computer very well. But I enjoyed reading peoples comments and had a laugh too. I am amazed at how so many know things about me that I don't even remember telling them. Informative sharing! (?)

What message do you have for this loyal internet following?: I am flattered by their attention and hope to give them all alot more to discuss in the future.

~This questionaire is the property of Gena, so if you wish to use any of this for your web page please e-mail Gena or me first.