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Movie Reviews

Big FAT Liar

~Man guys, this movie was great! I was laughing the entire time! Frankie plays Jason who doesn't write an essay in order to pass school. When he gets a second chance to write it he is hit by Marty Wolf on the way to turn it in. Marty gives Jason a ride and ends up taking Jason's paper! Jason and his friend Kailey travel to LA to get the paper back when Marty is going to use it for a movie. While in LA Kaley and Jason make Marty's life a living nightmare until he admits he stole the idea. This movie was awesome!

I give it 5 stars!

My Dog Skip

~This movie was very good. I cryed so much in this movie! Frankie play Willie Morris, a young boy who wants a friend. He is given a dog for his birthday, who he calls Skip. The movie is about thier adventures together and how life changed for Willie. This movie was very good and I suggest you grab a box of tissues before watching it!

I give this movie 5 stars!
