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Frankie Facts

Full Name: Francisco Muniz IV
Birth Date: December 5, 1985
Place of Birth: Ridgewood, New Jersey
Current Residence: New Jersey and California (for MIM)
Height: 4'11'' (he has probably grown a couple of inches since this was taken though!)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: blue (as if you couldn't tell! He has such pretty eyes!)
Mother: Denise Muniz
Father: Frankie Muniz
They are sepreated
Sister: Christina Muniz
Hobbies: Golf and playing the drums (oh ya!)
Pets: a cat named Pumpkin and a dog named Cadillac
Favorite Food: Hamburgers
Favorite TV Show: Shasta McNasty
What he wants to do as a professional carrer when he's older: be a Geographer and travel the world
Favorite School Subject: Geography
Favprite Play: BlueMangroup
Oganizations he supports: He really supports The best Friends Animal Sanctuary, the nation's largest sanctuary for abused or abandoned animals