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I got this friend who always is bothering me and she's kind of an okay friend, but all she cares about is her ex-man, basically everytime I talk to her the conversation revolves around "him", so I have to avoid her all the time, because she's so boring now that it just kills me.
Well Miss Thang, personally I'm glad I don't have friendz like that. *L* but seriously, you should talk to her. There's alot more to this than what i know, obviously, like was she a good friend to begin with. Now dont just start totally dissin her when u talk 2 her. Just explain 2 your friend that you understand where she's coming from but that a friendship is totally 50/50 and since you can't even talk to her about how u feel and your problemz that theres no friendship there and someonez gonna get 2 steppin*L* unless she changez of course.
Whats up? I like the page. I have a little problem though. My friend is so on my nerves. She comes over to my house and doesn't appreciate anything at all. She's supposedly an animal lover, but she threw a damn glass at my cat and hit her in the head. My sister yelled at her for it, but I didn't really say anything. There's alot more that she does too. Like she criticizes(did I spell that right) everything about me. She's one of those miss know it all's. She can be real cool though. What should I do from now on? Let me know. Thanks.
Well "Trippy" I have to admire your patience cuz if that waz me i wouldve flipped out long ago. What tha hell kind of friend is she??? For one this gurl dont sound like any kind of friend. What she did was animal abuse, and I woulda reported her or whooped her azz. but thatz me*lol* Tell her str8 up that your tired of her raggin on u all the time and that she needs to take a look at herself. Ya shouldnt throw rocks at a glass house when ya live in one. I understand that shez sometimez cool n all but that doesnt mean that shez any kind of friend. Let her know how u feel and dont be all shy about it. If she cant str8en up the leave her azz alone. Good luck:)
well i like this lad at school hes really popular and i am sorta but i dont speak to him i try to but i shake all the time the real proplem is that i have a boyfriend i love him an all but i cant stop thinking about him and i have told my friends and they have told one of his mates i dont know what to do please help
Well Hunie, you can't change how you feel about this guy. I know you're already in a relationship, but your relationship isn't going to go anywhere if you like someone else and aren't happy with the person your with now. You seriously need to tell your boyfriend how you feel. I know you love him, but don't string him along. If its meant to be then its meant to be. Whatever you do, I hope you dont cheat on your current guy for the other one. Your boyfriend needs to know the truth even though it hurts. Im sure youd like to know if it was the other way around. As far as the guy your crushing on is concerned, if you and your boyfriend break up, then talk to him. We're all shy and fear rejection but he's probably just as nervous as you. I think part of the problem here is that your scared that if you break up with your boyfriend and try to get with the other guy that he'll reject you and you'll end up alone. Dont worry about that. Life is a big risk and we only live once so follow your heart. Good luck! :)
i have my boy friend but every time that we r alone he will hert me and she this is wot it feels like it sex so just do it. and then i time we where a lone he riped my cloese off me and then he raped me and i will try and brake it off but then he keeps on sayin no u r mine and no1 else can have u then he herts me and i dont want to tell ne i like my mom or dad. the olny person i have told is my 2 best friends and 1 of them is a guy and 1 a girl. the guy wont go near him coz it would bash him and im really sick of doin things like giving him a job and fucken him please help me and tell me wot i should do?
Hunie! First off you should try to stay away from this dude. He doesn't love you nor care about you hunie, he is sick and needs mental help. He should be castrated. Anyways, Fake sick for starters and that will buy you some time. Next thing talk to someone!!! Immediately!!! There are counselors and 1-800 numbers. Please give it much thought about talking to your parents. They really can help you. Trust me. They are your parents and they are there to help you and protect you. Please just tell someone as soon as possible and stay away from this charachter. He can be locked up for this and its on you to help put him there. Write me back and let me know whats going on. Good Luck Hun!!!
yo sara i like this girl in my class and i dont think she liks me i got brown hair blue eyes 5'6" dark tan 6 pack im 14 and in grade 8 what u think can u help a brother out
First off you just said that you don't think she likes you. That don't mean anything. Go up and talk to her. As a friend first. If its cool then ask her out or for her phone number. You never know maybe once you start talkin to her you might be the one to not like her. Go for it though!!! Good Luck!!!
hey sara there is this girl in my class and she is this realy hot fuckin girls u know and i was wonderin if i should ask her out what do u think thanks sara
No don't ask her out........ Of course ask her out. If you really like the chic go 4 it. I just hope that there is more involved here than just looks n all. I hope that you at least like the gurl's personality. Its all about the personality BABY!!! B4 u know it she could end up being on your nerves like crazy. For real though go on and ask her out. Let me know what happens:) Good Luck!!!
my freind loves marshal mathers and she never leaves me alone
Give your friend props from me
hi.ive got a real problem.there is a guy that is just my freind.i talk to him on the internet cause he lives in a different state than me.we met in prob is that i like him more than a freind and miss him.hes got a huge crush on me.i'd ask him out,but im not sure how to suddenly tell him my feelings and i dont know if a long distant relationship would do any good.what should i do?
I totally see where you coming from gurl. I've been there myself but you've got to be careful. There's nuthin wrong with tellin this guy how you feel and its even better now that u know that he feels the same way then its ALL GOOD! Long distance relationships are ok. Although I will never get into one EVER AGAIN. If you guys do end up in a long distance relationship..make sure there is 100% trust and honesty. That you two see each other often and that someone can make an effort to move to where the other is at so that way you can take it to that next level. Good Luck!!!
My boyfriend just dumped me for another girl.He's always trying to act all sweet to her ,right in front of me. and today he asked me if i still like him. I told him no. But the truth is that i do. I already got a new boyfriend he is soooooo hot(he totally reminds me of eminem) But i just feel like i have an empty space in my heart.When im with my new boyfriend im happy, but when im not,i am really sad, and all i can think of is my ex-boyfriend.Wut should i do?if i do say something i dont want him to react weird,and if he reacts the way i want him to i dont want him to break my heart again.
U really want to know? Stay the hell away from your ex. That dude sounds str8 up triflin. Gurl its a man thing. He dumps you and gets with someone else and then asks you if u still like him? PUHLEASE!!! Thats good that you told him now bcuz if you would have told him yes he would think that he still has you wrapped. It'll all go to his head. Don't have anything to do with him anymore. You don't have to be mean but you don't have to be nice either. Of course it hurts. We all go through this one time or another in our lives but trust me...youll move on past the pain and be happy. It sounds like your new man is pretty nice and TOTALLY HOT!!! You go gurl!!! Good Luck!!! Keep in touch and let me know whats going on with that:)
i like this kid on my bus but he doesnt know. i think he likes me but im not sure, should i tell him or just let it be?how do i find out if he likes me, do i ask or get someone else too then theres this guy steve that i like he is going out with my good friend it is like the same situation but how do i let him kno with out hiz gurl finding out? how do i know if he likes me or even if he doesnt like me? i just want to kno what to do pleaze help me
Ok babe definately give homeboy on the bus a holla!!! Write him a note or sit by him. Just kind of get to know him first and if you still diggin him then tell him. What do you have to lose? I know its hard...but you can easily just ask him to hang out as friends first and then see where it takes you:) As far as liking you "friends" man. No way babe leave it alone. He has someone else and u dont need to interfere with that. How would you feel if someone did that to you? Bad karma babe. Trust me there are better men out there...they just may be hard to find thats all:) Good luck!!!:)
my friend likez thiz boy named Matt ad she wantz to date this year how can i help her.
Tell your friend to ask him out!!! If she has low confidence..then help her boost it up!!! Im sure she's a beautiful intelligent person, just a lil shy thats all. If that still aint working maybe you could talk to her crush for her. If he seems like a nice person..then tell her to exchange numbers with him to hang out or email addresses so they can talk online. Theres not a whole lot for you to actually do besides coming str8 out and setting them up on a date. She is actually gonna have to do some of the work ya know:). If it still isn't getting her anywhere then maybe he just isnt the one but there are plenty more men out there for her. Good Luck!!!
I lied to my boyfriend about my age for 4 years, he recently found out and i feel terrible, i thought he was never going to talk to me again but he still wants to, what does that mean, And how do i get him to trust me again Help .
Gurl, Congradulations! I think you are seeing what real friendship and maybe "love" is all about. It sounds like your man cares about you. He obviously forgives you and believes in second chances. At least you recognize your mistake and hopefully you wont let anything like this happen again. Being lied to can be a terrible thing but its also not the end of the world. Your boyfriend didnt have to still talk to you. By giving you that chance he is showing you that he still cares about you. Now getting him to trust you isnt so easy, depending on how hes feeling, but time can be a great healer. It can go both ways, but definately have a talk with this guy and explain why you did what you did and why you werent honest sooner. If he is as great as a guy as I think he is then you should have no problem building that trust back up. Go for it! Good luck n let me know what happens!!!
Hey, I have a huge problem. It's about Eminem. I am so in love with him that it's not even funny. I can't even concentrate in class, because I'm thinking about him 24/7. I must bore my friends, because that's ALL I talk about it. I want to meet him sooooo bad! What the heck am I supposed to do??? Now, look, I know that this isn't the kind of advice you give out, but I REALLY need help!!! .
WOW! That does sound like a huge problem. Okay I dont mean to sound like a dream killer, but the chances that you will meet Eminem and actually be with him are very "slim". Its ok to have fantasies n all but when it is interrupting your daily life and how you function then there is definately a problem. What you need to do is find a hobby. Try studying more. Go out more, find a man, get a job, do volunteer work. There are so many opportunities for you out there. If you try these things and you are still hopelessly inlove with the REAL SLIM SHADY, then I suggest talking to a counselor, maybe there might be an even bigger issue going on. Whatever you do, please do it right away, because this is sounding pretty serious and I would hate to see you in jail for being some obsessed stalking fan. Good Luck!!!
hey, i have a problem, weneva i go see my boyfriend all he ever wants to do is get stonned or have sex, he never seems to think about anything else, im fine with the sex but there must be more to a relationship than just sex isnt there? what do you think i shud do? let me know.
xxx jo xxx .
Dang! Now if there aint more to a relationship then just sex, then I am definately never going to get married! Chica wake up and open your eyes! Your man is a LOSER. Dump him chica. Im sure that you are better than that and that you can do better than that. Dont you want someone to actually have ambitions and not just sit around and get high n stupid all day. There are so many other things to do than that. TRUST ME DUMP HIM AND I GUARANTEE YOU THAT YOU WILL FEEL BETTER! Let him get high all day and be dumb on his own but do not let him bring you down with him and have doubts about yourself and your relationship. You deserve better. GOOD LUCK!!!
ok, u see i like this guy. he is really nice to me and all its just that i have no idea if he likes me back once i got soooooooo annoyed by him i hit him ( not hard) then he told me that it means i like it at that moment my brains froze then i said that it wasn't true then he just laugh and went somewhere? now the real problam is he is some where eles he move and i hav no idea if he likes me + i think of very often now and then what do u think do u think he likes me? .
Ok so obviously you like this dude. Thats cool, I'm kind of sensing that you feel maybe a little regret that you didn't tell him when you had the chance. Not to worry! Email him. Take it slow and start out by general things, you know hows life, school, etc. Then you'll get some sort of vibe from him and ease on into it. If he is still single, then let him know that you do like him and maybe you could find a way to see each other more often to see where it heads from here. Good Luck!!!
Hey well my problem is that i cant even talk to a guy because i am soo nervous. I have no idea what to say and stuff.I cant even look them in the eye for a long time.I'll get embarrased and look away.So how can you help me??? .
What you are going through is absolutely normal! Who doesn't at one time or another get nervous talking to the opposite sex. Or even the same sex for that matter. If you are on the extreme side of nervousness you might need to take a deeper look into how you feel about yourself. You might be a little insecure about yourself, which is also normal. If this becomes to much of an issue that you can't deal with on your own, then I would suggest maybe some counseling to see where this stems from. Other wise I wouldn't stress too much. Just think about it, these guys are probably just as nervous as you if not more! Good Luck!!!
Ok well i told this guy i liked him and we went out for about three Months until one day i asked him if he was mad at me and he said he didnt want to go out n e more. It was ok at the time i geusse but now about 7 months later its hitting me how much i really did like him. I want to ask him out again but what should i say? How do i tell him my feelings without being embaresses...please help me! Kelly .
Ok well if u ask me and u r asking me:) I would say leave homeboy alone!!! First of all he wasn't even man enuff to tell you that he didn't want to be with u anymore, until u asked him if he was mad at u! Instead he walks around with an attitude towards you without even approaching you with the truth about how he felt. He had no conisderations for your feelings. Trust me he will just hurt u worse in the end if he does go back out with you. He's not worth it. You can find someone who actually wants u and will respect u and your feelings! Good Luck!!!
I love a girl so much we start going out now she told me that she like some one else and she the only one that I love .
I'm sorry for your loss. No actually that wasn't a loss. Sound's like you got yourself a good case of the "bitch blues". Trust me she so was not worth your love and time. Do you know how many women out there are looking for true love and they can't find it. You have so many more options believe that. Don't let this gurl turn your heart cold. Mourn if you have to but not too long, then get back out there in the game. I'm sure you'll find a beautiful, kind-hearted woman worth your love soon enough! Good Luck!!!
Me and my boyfriend been to together for 1 month going on 2 months we frist got together in july. when school started back i had to go back to an another state. What should I do .
Stay with him! Just because you can't see him on a daily basis doesn't mean that he can't still be your man or even your friend. Think of it as a test. If you can have a stable,loving relationship with him even though its long-distance, then once you two finally do get to be together, you will be much more stable and should be able to overcome the future obstacles together. You will definately need to have trust and patience in a long-distance relationship, but those are good virtues to have. Its not going to be easy but that doesn't mean that its not worth it. Give it a try, if it doesn't work out at least you could still try to work out a friendship. Good Luck!!!
ok i have did prob wit dis guy we went out 4 like 2 month then we were goin 2 different skools so we broke up . Then we went out again bcuz he told me he loved me an he didnt like da gurls in his skool dat much so ya .Now there is dis other guy an long story short hes gay an likes mi guy so we always get in 2 fights an i dont kno wat 2 do bcuz its always ova da gay guy an it comes bak on gettin sick of it can u help me ?????????????? .
Honey, definately don't take it out on your man because some other guy likes him. As long as u know that you're man loves u and plays it str8 then there should be no problems. I understand the insecurities but I really doubt that u have anything to worry about. Don't fight with your man over issues that are strictly yours. Just let him know that u love him and that if he ever did do anything to hurt u then he's out the door. Otherwise don't stress over a situation like this cuz u all women and got somethin that the other dude doesn't:) Good Luck!!!


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