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James Marsters: The World's Best Kisser. Oh, and a Great Actor, too!

James Marsters…what can you say? He’s beyond any definition of hot! And, I know from experience, he’s even cuter in real life!

I’ve searched the web up and down for pics of James and most I found are protected by copyright. But, besides Buffy, James has appeared on t.v. on ‘Northern Exposure’ and ‘Millennium’. He has appeared in the Feature Films ‘The House on Haunted Hill’ and ‘Smokeless Tobacco’. I will keep looking for pictures.

On Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, James plays Spike, a British vamp (a.k.a. William the Bloody) who has killed two Slayers and is looking to get his third.

Spike Episodes:

'School Hard’:, His first appearance in the episode where he crashed parent/teacher night, looking for Buffy. We learned that Angel sired (turned into a vamp) Spike. Also, Spike kills the Anointed One by exposing him to the sun. This secures Spike’s position as the new master vampire in Sunnydale.

A Line(s) to Remember:

'So,who do you kill for fun around here?'Spike

'A Slayer with family and friends? That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure!'Spike

‘Halloween’: Ethan Rayne, an old friend of Gile’s, comes to town and enchants costumes so that on Halloween, everyone becomes their costumes. Buffy turns into an 18th century noble woman and Spike takes advantage of the situation by trying to kill her.

A Line(s)to Remember:

'This is just...neat!'Spike

'I don't get wild! Wild on me equals spaz!'Willow

‘Lie to Me’: Buffy’s best friend from LA, Billy ‘Ford’ Fordham comes to Sunnydale and makes a deal with Spike. He’ll trap Buffy if Spike turns him (and his club that worships vampires) into vamps.

A Line(s) to Remember:

'Sorry baby, I'm a bad, rude man.' Spike

'Spike and all his friends are going to be pigging out at the All You Can Eat Moron Bar.' Buffy, refering to Ford and his cult.

'Ours is a Forbidden Love.' Said by Angel to Willow (after he comes into her bedroom, via the French Doors.) and by Willow to Xander (refering to herself and Angel) Hmmm...could this be alluding to something???

'I am trying to save you! You are playing in some serious traffic here, do you understand that? You're gonna die. And the only hope you have of surviving is to get out of this pit right now and, my God, could you have a dorkier outfit?' Buffy, to the cultists.

‘What’s My Line Pt. 1 & 2’: Spike kidnaps Angel and plans to use him in a ritual that will restore Dru’s health, but he doesn’t know who he’s up against when a second Slayer shows up. Plus, he’s got a very pissed Buffy on his hands for kidnapping her boyfriend. In the end, Spike gets an organ dropped on him…and ends up in a wheelchair. (awe….)

A Line(s) to Remember:

'She's the bloody thorn in my bloody side!'Spike, talking about Buffy.

'Don't warn the tadpoles!' Willow, upon being woken up.

'Principal Snyder! Great career fair, sir. Really. In fact, I'm so inspired by you leadership, I'm thinking principal school. I want to walk in your shoes. Not your actual shoes, of course. Because you're a tiny person. Not tiny in the small sense...Okay. Done now.' Xander

'The monkey is the only cookie animal that gets to wear clothes, you know that...You have the sweetest smile I've ever seen...So I'm wondering, do the other cookie animals feel sort of ripped. Like, is the hippo going, 'hey man, where are my panst? I have my hippo dignity.' And you know, the monkey's just, 'I mock you with my monkey pants', then, there's a big coup at the zoo.' Oz, to Willow.

‘Surprise’ & ‘Innocence’: For Buffy’s 17th birthday, Spike and Dru (and later Angel) are planning the ultimate gift-The Judge-a horrible creature that kill hundreds of people with a look

A Line(s) to Remember:

'Psst...we're going to destroy the world. Wanna come?' Drusilla

'I knew it. Well, knew in the sense of not having the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn't know.' Willow, finding Cordelia and Xander making out.

‘Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered’: It’s valentines day in Sunnydale and every female in the town-even Dru-has fallen in love with Xander. Spike and Angel aren’t happy.

A Line(s) to Remember:

'Dammit, Xander, what's going on? Who died and made you Elvis?' Cordelia

Dru: "Your face is a poem. I can read it."

Xander: "Really? It doesn't say 'spare me', by any chance?"

Dru: "Shh. How do you feel about eternal life?"

Xander: "We couldn't just start with a coffee? A movie, maybe?"

‘Passion’: Angel is leaving horrible gifts for Buffy and her friends, slowly driving them crazy. But, Spike’s becoming impatient and we start to realize that he isn’t happy that Angel is back.

A Line(s)to Remember:

'You're supposed to kill her, not leave gag gifts in her friends' beds.' Spike, to Angel, about Buffy.

‘I Only Have Eyes for You’: There's a Sadie Hawkins Dance at Sunnydale and strange things begin to occur. The gang researches the last Sadie Hawkins dance to take place there (in 1955) and see a pattern starting to emerge. Angel is becoming more cruel (both to Buffy and Spike) in each episode. Spike has started to use his legs again in private, not even Dru knows that he is regaining his strength and he wants to keep it that way.

A Line(s) to Remember:

'You should never be cowed by authority. Except, of course, in this instance where I am clearly right and you are clearly wrong.' Giles

'Don't walk away from me, Bitch!' Said by the boy in the beginning, the janitor, Buffy and James, and written on the blackboard.

‘Becoming Pt. 1 & 2’: Angel is planing to awake Acathla, a demon that will swallow the world into hell. Spike would much rather stay on Earth, so he joins forces with Buffy to stop Angel and get his Dru back!

Lines to Remember:

Spike: "What, your mum doesn't know?"

Joyce: "Know what?"

Buffy: "That...I' a band! A rock band...with Spike here!"

Spike: "Right, she plays the triangle."

Buffy: "Drum."

Spike: "Drums, yeah, she's a hell on the old skins, you know."

Joyce: "And, what do you do?"

Spike: "...Well, I sing."

'Hello, Cutie.' Spike, to Buffy.

'Lover's Walk': After a long absence, Spike comes back, intent on finding a spell to make Dru love him again. He gets drunk, spies on Angel, gets drunk, kidnaps Willow and Xander, gets drunk, causes chaos, gets sober, fights alongside Buffy and Angel, ruins everyone's life and takes off again--drunk!

A Line(s) to Remember: 'Love's a funny thing!' Spike 'I violently dislike you!' Buffy, to Spike. Not as severe as her 'I hate you.', in Becoming Part two. Could it be that she's warming up to him??? Hmmm, yummy!

Summaries from season four coming soon! For now, just look at the dreamy pics of James…

Spike Promo Shots:

Buffy Screen Grabs:

For my 17th birthday, I was lucky enough to meet James! I’ll have all the details and more pics from the visit later, but for now, here’s my favorite:

Sorry everyone, if I left you drooling and wanting more! Be sure to keep coming back. In the meantime, visit: - The Unofficial Web Site

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