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The Goddess Handbook Order Form

DISCLAIMER: If you believe this, you are not Goddess material. 

Are you ready to become the Goddess you've always wanted to be? Have you made 
A commitment to bring out a better and more perfect you? If so, 
Congratulations on your rebirth! To start your journey of discovery you will 
Want to learn from the best. That’s why the Goddess supreme herself has now 
Made available the "How to be a Goddess" Handbook. A must read for every 
Goddess-in-training. Order yours today!

Have your credit cards ready and call:

1 (462) 463-3377 or 1 I M A Goddess

Or send a check or money order for $29.95 to:

Goddess Handbook Headquarters
P.O.Box Number 1
Heavensent, USA 11111

It will take 4 to 6 weeks delivery because good slaves are hard to find.