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Marketing to the Beat of Your Own Drum
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Where Business Meets Common Sense

Evaluating Your Efforts in an Uncertain Time

The state of U.S. economy is in the midst of a spiraling downfall. The stock market is far from a full fledged "rebound". Consumer trust in large corporations continues to wane. Retail spending is continually dropping.

Woe is me. We should all just give up, hunker down and ride out the storm. Right? Of course not! Now is the time to reevaluate. Are you providing the best customer experience possible? Are you adding value to customers lives? Are you getting the best return on your marketing efforts? Have you proven that you belong somewhere in the consumer's perception of their hierarchy of needs? If you cannot honestly answer "yes" to each of these then it's time to take a long, hard look at your current practices.

I challenge you to review your current practices and determine what is truly important; what can be tracked and analyzed. Let's face it. Everything else is just fluff. If what you are doing, or thinking about doing doesn't create more business for your organization, or lead to a better relationship with your customers, then do something else.

Go out, look for new opportunities. Look to refine existing processes. If at then end of the day you can say to yourself, "This will help us do X in the future," then you have had a productive day.