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Travis Tully

My name is Travis Tully.  This last weekend I went pheasant hunting in Kansas. It was the most exciting hunting experience that I have ever been on.  It was a different kind of hunting than what I am accustomed to. Usually I duck hunt, so the ducks are flying in from the sky, but we were pheasant hunting, so the birds were taking off from around our feet.  We got up around 6:30 AM and ate a huge breakfast and we are out in the fields by 7:30.  There were about ten of us.  What we did was line up in a straight line across the farm fields, to make sure no one got shot.  We would start at one end of the field and walk all the way down to the other end. As we were walking, the birds would be down on the ground running in front of us and when they would get to the end of the field and see that they had ran out of cover they would jump up and try to fly off.  One time, as we were walking through a tall uncut maze field, we got down to the end of the field and as the birds jumped and we took a couple of shots, a coyote that was after the same birds ran out of the field not too far in front of us.

To schedule your pheasant hunting trips log onto the following web sites for the fun of your life.