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Beware of Manicotti

this story by QGrapes

The Iz Man: Prodigious! Look guys I just created a fabulous microchip that will enable us to eat Tai’s mom’s food without disemboweling ourselves. See; watch me eat this entire mocha broccoli seaweed manicotti.

{He shoves it in his mouth as the rest of them gag and make funny hurling noises. Tai actually turns green, because Izzy is eating the leftovers from Tai’s dinner last night, so Tai knows exactly how rancid it tastes.}

Izzy: Wait a second!

{He seems shocked and disturbed and runs toward the bathroom.}

Mimi: Wow! I hope Izzy is ok. If he pukes, he will feel better, but, either way, I won’t be able to kiss him tonight. Ooh, just think of the bad breath!

{Tai picks up the plate of manicotti and throws it in the garbage.}

Tai: Now he knows what I go through every day…

{Tai’s mom walks into the office and asks if anyone is hungry. They smile and say, “No.”}

Tai’s mom: All right, but if you get hungry, I have a fresh tray of cucumber pepper cookies.

{She leaves. Izzy returns from the bathroom with a sweaty forehead.}

Izzy: I guess my microchip is a dud. Hey, what’s that on the computer screen?

{No one has noticed it until now, but they all turn to view the Pineapple.}

Matt: Oh, blah, blah, blah. It’s just another e-mail from that old guy who never opens his eyes. I seriously want to know how he gets around without smashing his shins into everything. I guess he’s just talented, or really bruised.

Gennai: Hello, digidestined. I was just calling to let you know that it’s my 200th birthday, and I was hoping that you would all get me presents. I need quarters. Lots and lots of quarters. That way I will no longer have to leave you in the middle of a conversation, hanging, without any idea of what to do or where to go or who to unleash your mighty digi-wrath upon. Anyway I have to go. You guessed it! I’m out of quarters. Bye.

Matt: That dude’s a loon. He needs to lighten up. Maybe I should send him some tickets to one of my concerts. Then he could live in the now.

Tai: Yes, but he can’t live in the “here.” He’s part digital and could never enter the real world except through e-mail.

Sora: So, Izzy, what are you going to do with your microchip?

Izzy: I don’t know, I guess I’ll just toss it!

{Izzy throws the chip in the trash along with the manicotti as the group is leaving Tai’s house. Unbeknownst to them, the digiport opens on Tai’s computer and a dark, evil hand reaches out and grabs the chip out of the garbage.}

* * * * * * * *

{Carnuverimon, an evil digimon with ultimate powers of destruction, toys with Izzy’s chip. He knows the real powers that it holds, which, by the way, have absolutely nothing to do with strange concoctions of food. Carnuverimon now sits in his dark lair in the underworld of the digiworld, where all sorts of beasts and grubby creatures reside. They are all evil digimon, festering and increasing in power, ready to burst out into the digital world…And Carnuverimon has just the weapon to get them there!}

* * * * * * *

{All hotties and not-so-hotties are standing around in the hallway of the high school, clearing out their lockers. Summer vacation has just begun.}

Matt: Gosh, I’m so glad I won’t be carrying around these books anymore. It really cramps my style!

Tai: I don’t think it cramps my style, but it does weigh down my entire body, which makes my fabulous hair go quite limp.

{He pats at his decorative, chaotic mass of beautiful hair.}

Mimi: I’m just happy that I will have all summer to shop at the mall.

Sora: Not if we are summoned to the digital world to fight the next big thing.

Mimi: Oh, don’t rain on my parade, Sora. I will invite you to go shopping with me. Really. I’m that nice!

Izzy: Tai, I’ve been thinking. Something had to have gone wrong when I was creating that microchip. I think I’ve figured out what it was, but I’m going to need you to get it for me.

Tai: Ew! From the trash! You mean I have to dig through that nasty manicotti to find it?

Izzy: Please Tai. It’s important. I won’t ask for another favor from you ever again.

Tai: I guess, but I’m going to need a long pole and some surgical gloves. That way I won’t actually have to touch anything.

Matt: You’re so shallow, Tai.

Mimi, under her breath: Look who’s talking.

Sora: You’re right, look at him, that big hunk of handsome. What a gorgeous man.

Mimi: You need your head examined.

{Some girl runs by, waving at another person down the hall.}

Girl: Hey girlfriend, it’s me, Tina!

Izzy: Hey, do I know that girl?

Sora: I think she’s in my gym class. She has a really high-pitched voice, but it’s not as annoying as Mimi’s.

Mimi: I heard that, silly. That’s ok; at least I’m not obsessed with the self-proclaimed one.

Matt: Who?

{Everyone but Matt shares in a giggle. Sora blushes.}

Tai: Hey, who wants to play soccer? We have a free afternoon. No homework!

Izzy: No, Tai. Even if it was all of us against you, you’d still whip our butts.

Tai: And wouldn’t that be fun?

All: No!

Tai: You guys need to be nice to me. I have a sensitive ego, that’s easily damaged.

{At that time, a hot girl walks by staring at Tai. He notices her and starts to follow her. But Izzy grabs him by the collar.}

Izzy: Come on Tai. You have to go home and get that microchip for me.

Tai: Ok. Will you come with me?

Izzy: Sure.

* * * * * * *

{Later on, Tai and Izzy are alone at Tai’s house searching through the garbage for the missing microchip.}

Tai: Are you sure you threw it in here?

Izzy: I’m positive. What do you think I am? Solely obsessed with the computer and unable to remember anything else but my Pineapple?

Tai: Yeah, whatever.

Izzy: I found it! {He paused and had a confused look on his face.} No, that’s just a really stale piece of broccoli.

Tai: It’s no use. We’re never going to find it in this pile of goop. My mom really needs to learn how to cook. Then we’d not be in this mess.

Izzy: Literally!

{They stand up and look around the room for another wastebasket that Izzy could have thrown it in.}

Izzy: Hey Tai, come here! Is this your father’s normal screen saver?

Tai: No. He usually has a picture of Kari picking her nose when she was a little baby. It bounces around the screen. That just looks like an evil digimon.

Izzy: That’s no digimon that I’ve ever seen before, but it sure does look evil. It’s scarier than your mother’s cooking.

{The picture they saw on the screen was indeed an evil digimon…It was Carnuverimon, watching them as they made their way around the room.}

Izzy: Come on. Let’s ditch this joint before your Mom gets home and forces us to eat an after school snack. My stomach can’t take any more of that.

* * * * * * *

{Later that evening the entire gang is sitting around in Mimi’s living room.}

Sora: So, Izzy, what do you think went wrong with the chip?

Izzy: I don’t know, Sora. I must have messed up on some of the circuitry, but I think I might have created a phenomenal device that can enable creatures to gain strength at an insurmountable rate. If it gets into the wrong hands, who knows what could happen.

Mimi: Yeah, or you might just have created something that magnifies the destructive forces of Tai’s mom’s food.

Tai: Yeah, that’s only the second time I’ve seen you throw up because of it.

Izzy: I’m really worried now, because we can’t find the chip. What if something bad is already occurring because of my faulty wiring?

Matt: Are you dudes still talking about that chip? It’s history. Just like the school year! Ah, this is the perfect time to go to the beach and catch up on my tanning. I need to look gorgeous for this month’s concert. Are you guys going to come and see me? I am your friend, and the lead singer of the band, and I also have a solo on my guitar. It’s fabulous. Of course it’s fabulous…it’s me!

Izzy: Should we even be listening to him at this point? I don’t even think he’d notice if we all just left the room.

Sora: Does anyone notice that Joe is nowhere to be found?

Mimi: Sora, he’s using his summer vacation to study for the ACP testing.

Sora: But he won’t be taking the test for two more years!

Tai: He wants to get ahead of the game.

Matt: And besides, we have three new songs we are going to play at the concert. And I might die my hair for it. You know, I have to be completely modern…

Sora: I’ll be at the concert, Matt. I just love your band.

Mimi: You don’t love the band! You love Matt! You wouldn’t even notice if the rest of the band members were naked on stage. All you’d see is Matt.

{Matt does not hear any of this as he is still talking!}

* * * * * * *

{A few days later, the rest of the group is at Joe’s house, just chilling…}

Joe: Yes! And that means that the area of the circle is 43,294,769.00001 meters squared!

Sora: What is he talking about?

Matt: He’s studying for the ACP test, even though we’re here.

{Joe is pacing around the living room in the middle of their chat circle, reading from a study guide to the ACP test and answering sample questions.}

Joe: The answer is Benjamin Franklin! No, identical twins have different fingerprints. How many people have sat on a motorcycle at the same time? That’s easy. The answer is 47! Next question. The Indians first invented pajamas. Next. The longest food fight lasted approximately 4 hours…

Tai: Can’t he just put that down for one minute and talk to us?!

{Joe is unresponsive to this, and to the fact that Izzy presently bursts into the room, looking scared as heck!}

Tai: You haven’t been at my house, have you, Iz? You look like you just ran from my mother as she tried to force feed you!

Izzy: I’ve just been through something amazing. After I played soccer with you this morning, Tai, I had to go home and shower, because you knocked me down in the mud so many times.

Mimi: Oh, goody! A shower scene!

Izzy: Anyway, when I was stepping out, I caught a glimpse of my rear end in the mirror. I had a giant tattoo of my crest square in the middle of my right butt cheek! Want to see?

{Before any of them can refuse, Izzy drops his drawers and shows everyone his butt! The room goes dead silent except for the sound of Tai’s hand slapping over Kari’s eyes, saving her from what Mimi thinks is a very pleasant sight. Then another sound comes…the thud of Mimi fainting to the floor. Last, but not least, Joe starts to speak.}

Joe: Shucks! I don’t know the square mileage of Australia!

{That shoots them all out of their surprised state. Izzy then proceeds to pull his pants back up.}

Matt: I don’t know why you all are so shocked! I mean, it’s not like Izzy to get a tattoo, but it’s not the weirdest thing in the world, either. Really! I have a tattoo on my butt also. It says, “Blonde Guys are Hot!”

Izzy: No, Matt, I didn’t go to a tattoo parlor and get this inked into my skin. It just magically appeared!

{At this time, Sora is able to revive the fainted Mimi.}

Mimi: Oh, I can’t believe I missed part of that!

Kari: Tai, will you please take your hand off of me. I’d like to see.

Tai: Sorry, little sis. I had to protect you from that vulgarity.

Kari: Vulgarity? When we were younger, you used to run around the house naked!

{Tai blushes.}

Matt: I definitely think that my tattoo is better than yours, Izzy!

Joe: Izzy, I wouldn’t be alarmed about the tattoo. I myself found one on my stomach this morning when I woke up. My mom saw it, and I had to tell her that I was just coloring on myself. She didn’t believe me.

Sora: Wow! Joe spoke to us!

Izzy: Let me see your tattoo.

{Joe pulls his shirt up to reveal his belly. The group stands in awe.}

Mimi: Well, if you guys have symbols of your crests on your bodies, why don’t the rest of us?

Tai: Maybe we do!

Sora: Well, I don’t think it’s a good idea if we all strip in front of each other to find out!

Mimi: Yeah! Let’s all split up and go home. Then we can call each other tonight and discuss what we know.

{The group disperses.}

* * * * * * *

{Later that evening, the entire group is sitting around in a chat room talking to each other over the Internet. Matt is the only one who is oblivious to the purpose of their assemblage.}

Izzy: Ok. Who else has a tattoo besides Joe and me?

Mimi: I have my crest tattooed on my cheek under my eye. I was just wearing too much makeup to see it. When I washed my face a few minutes ago it showed right through.

Tai: Mine was on my wrist, right under my watch! No wonder I didn’t see it.

Matt: I’ve already told you guys…my tattoo is on my butt. It says, “Blonde Guys are Hot!”

Joe: You know where mine is, Iz!

Sora: Mine is in the middle of my upper back. I had to use the bathroom mirror to find it.

TK: What are you dorks talking about?

Izzy: We found tattoos of our crests hidden somewhere on our bodies. I think it might have something to do with that microchip that I built a few days ago.

TK: Do you think I might have one too?

Izzy: I don’t know TK!

TK: I’ll go check.

Kari: Well, I sure don’t have one.

Tai: Does anyone think that Matt has a crest on his body?

Izzy: That’s a good question! I’m not going to try and break through that thick skull of his, though.

TK: I don’t have one. Why am I left out…I’m one of the digidestined, too!

Izzy: Well, according to my theory, only the people who were around the microchip would have one of the crests. That explains why you and Kari don’t have one.

Tai: That would mean that Matt does have a crest!

Mimi: It would! But why does Joe have a crest? He wasn’t with us when you made the chip.

Izzy: Actually, Mimi, he was. I started building it when I was at his house.

Sora: So, Izzy, do you think that the power emanating from the microchip somehow grew inside of us and enhanced the powers of our crests?

Izzy: That’s a very good way to put it, Sora. But I will need the microchip to find out if that is indeed true or not.

Tai: But we weren’t able to find it!

Izzy: Guys, I have a very bad feeling about this!

Tina: Hey, is this chat room open for all visitors? I wanted to get a tattoo once, but my mom wouldn’t let me. Isn’t she a drag? Hey, where my girls at?

* * * * * * *

{The next afternoon, the entire group of destined ones are at the local soccer field.}

Tai: No, no, no, no, no! Joe, don’t be afraid of the ball! It’s not going to hurt you. Just stick your head under it, and head butt it.

Joe: But I’m afraid I’m going to break my glasses, or get dirty.

Tai: You have to get dirty to enjoy this! And I’ve never broken my goggles once, so you can rule that out. Ok, now head butt it.

{Tai kicks the ball up into the air toward Joe, who fearfully steps toward it. It then hits him in the head, causing him to fall into a nearby mud puddle. However, the ball bounces directly back to Tai.}

Tai: Good job, Joe! That was fabulous. You’re almost as good as me.

Joe, still laying in the mud puddle: I think I need to go home now.

Sora: Guys come here! Izzy is getting a message from Gennai.

{They hurry over.}

Gennai: Well, I see that you guys have neglected my birthday, but I found enough quarters to call you. It seems that a dark force is brewing and collecting power in the underbelly of the digital world. A new digimon, Carnuverimon, and his hordes of slaves have been spilling forth from rips in the digi-ground. They’ve already destroyed much of File Island, and they seem to be heading toward Primary Village. The Oracle believes that this Carnuverimon, who uses his Spit of Death to destroy things, has stolen a piece of digital technology from the real world. This technology has acted as a catalyst and has propelled him into greater states of mental and physical power. I’m running out of change at this time, so I’ll just send you a picture of Carnuverimon. Bye.

{Gennai disappears and an attached file comes up on Izzy’s screen. He opens it, revealing a picture of the same digimon Izzy and Tai had witnessed on Tai’s computer. Izzy and Tai stare at each other in disbelief, and then proceed to tell the others…}

Matt: Oh, I get it now!

* * * * * * *

Mimi: Guys, guess what? When I was at the mall this morning buying fun things to put in my hair, I came up with the coolest little song. It goes something like this: “Digimon, digital monsters, digimon are the champions!” Wasn’t that so cute? I just came up with words that belong to Kari’s tune. I’m so proud of myself.

Matt: Whoop-de-do!

Sora: Will you show me what you bought at the mall?

Mimi: No, I have to run. My dad told me that I had to be home quickly. He said something was wrong with the computer, and, since I was always on the computer, I might be able to help. Izzy, do you want to come? You’re the designated computer genius!

* * * * * * *

Mimi’s dad: I see you’ve brought your little friend with you, Mimi. Hello, Izzy!

Mimi: Dad, you’re embarrassing me. Go away so we can fix the computer.

Mimi’s dad: All right, but there’s food in the kitchen if you’re hungry.

Izzy: I haven’t really been hungry since the episode at Tai’s house where I barfed. I eat sometimes, but I sure don’t get hungry.

{Mimi’s dad leaves them alone at the front door.}

Mimi: Come on. The computer is in the den. I’d keep it in my room, but it’s not pink to match my curtains…or bedspread…or carpeting…or anything else.

{Izzy is glad that the rest of her house is not pink too. He wouldn’t have meshed well.}

Izzy: Wow! I thought your dad said that something was wrong with the computer.

Mimi: Nothing’s wrong. It’s just a digiport. And it’s open!

{Mimi and Izzy smile at each other widely.}

Izzy: We’d better get the others over here and quick!

Mimi: Right! We must be needed to fight that horrific Carnuverimon. I’ll get the phone; you watch the computer.

{Before long, all of the digidestined are at Mimi’s house, prepared to leap through the computer to the parallel dimension.}

Tai: Kari, TK, you guys shouldn’t come with us.

Kari and TK in unison: Why?

Tai: Because you are the only ones who did not have crests appear somewhere on your body. I’m afraid you have not been chosen. I don’t want you to get hurt, Kari.

Kari: Oh, Tai, I love you, and I understand, but I still want to go.

Tai: I just don’t think it’s safe.

Kari: All right. We’ll stay. Won’t we TK?

TK: Yeah, but why does Matt get to go? He doesn’t have a crest.

Matt: Yes, I do! I found it on my other butt cheek. The two tattoos look really good side by side.

Izzy: Can I see?

The entire room in unison: No more butts!

{Kari and TK stand back as the rest hold up their digivices to the Pineapple screen. In a flash of light they disappear. The digiport closes.}

Kari: We’re going to be all alone for a while.

TK: I wonder how long it will take them to destroy Carnuverimon.

Kari: What if they can’t destroy him? What if they need our help?

TK: I think they’ll be fine. My big brother is with them, and although he’s obsessed with his holiness, he’s a determined digidestined with a lot of attitude and power. Some day I hope to be just like him.

{Kari smiles.}

* * * * * * * *

{Joe, Tai, Izzy, Matt, Sora, and Mimi arrive in the digital world. They stand in the middle of a tropical forest on File Island, which appears to be safe. However, they are actually distantly surrounded on all sides by the hordes of Crangularmon which are being controlled by Carnuverimon and used to devour, bite by bite, the digital world. Currently, the foes of the digidestined are chomping down on the outskirts of the Island, but they are gaining power by the minute and, therefore, growing in speed. Soon they will reach Primary Village and the tropical forest where the digidestined now stand, surrounded by little rookie digimon, hiding from the evil force.}

{Almost immediately Biyomon, Palmon, Agumon, and Gabumon appear from out of the swarms of digimon to greet them.}

Palmon: Mimi, I’m so glad to see you. We’ve been expecting you for some time. The dark armies of Crangularmon are eating up File Island.

Gabumon: Leomon, Ogremon, Unimon, and Centaurumon have been fighting restlessly against the slaves of Carnuverimon, but have been unable to defeat them.

Agumon: Though they have slowed them down quite a bit.

Biyomon: Those of us who are not strong enough to fight the Crangularmon have been hiding here in the inmost part of the Island, hoping for relief. Now that you’re here, we can start on our mission to destroy the evil.

Izzy: Is there any word on what has caused Carnuverimon to gain in strength?

Tentomon: Well, word on the digi-street is that he was able to steal digital technology from your world and bring it back to his advantage.

Izzy: Tentomon! I’m so glad you’ve come.

Joe: Where’s Gomamon?

Tentomon: I heard he was hiding in the forest somewhere, but we haven’t been able to find him. Where are Kari and TK?

{The gang then proceeds to tell their rookie digimon about the crests, which appeared on their bodies, and that Kari and TK had not received them. They also speak of the microchip that had been built and then discarded.}

Tentomon: Do you mean that the digital device that is empowering Carnuverimon was built by you, Izzy?

Tai: We believe so, because we were unable to find it after Izzy threw it in with the stuffed manicotti.

Sora: But how was Carnuverimon able to know about the device, and how could he have removed it from our world?

Biyomon: Well, Sora, Carnuverimon is the strongest of the underworld digimon. His powers have been growing for a long time. He must have sensed the strength of Izzy’s digital chip and been able to access a digital port, which he can open and close at his own whim.

Izzy: I’m such a spaz! I should have held onto that chip, even though it didn’t satisfy its original intentions.

Mimi: It’s not your fault, Izzy. No one could have known what would happen.

Matt: Well, we better get to the action so I can show my stuff.

Tentomon: Izzy, make me digivolve, so I can carry all of us to Primary Village. Then we can all digivolve and fight the Crangularmon.

{Izzy holds out his digital device.}

Tentomon: Tentomon digivolve to…Kabuterimon!

{There is blackness all around and flying data. Then Tentomon gets really big and morphs into Kabuterimon. They all jump on his back and start to fly toward Primary Village, where they will prepare to fight the oncoming Crangularmon.}

Joe: I hope Gomamon can see us from the ground and knows to head toward the village.

{When they arrive the masses of digimon are running about panicked, and Crangularmon can be seen eating through the shrubbery on the east side of the village. Quickly the others digivolve to Greymon, Garurumon, Birdramon, and Togemon. They immediately use their attacks to battle the incoming nastiness. Debris is careening through the air from destroyed homes, shops, and block castles. In the midst of the action, Sora is hit in the head with a giant building block. She falls to the ground, but is quickly lifted by Matt to safety. All of the digidestined run inside a nearby shop, where others are huddled. Matt lays Sora on a countertop and examines her head. She has suffered only mild lacerations on her forehead and will be all right.}

Joe: Gomamon! What are you doing?

{Gomamon floats behind the counter in the shop where they hide. He is busying himself by selling supplies and other items to frightened towns-mon.}

Gomamon: Joe! Well, I just thought I’d make a little money off of this tragedy. These digimon will need supplies during the destruction of our world.

Joe: Well, you should be out there helping the others.

{Joe pulls out his digivice.}

Gomamon: Gomamon digivolve to…Ikkakumon!”

{Ikkakumon, in his increased size, bursts through the ceiling of the little shop and tramples his way across town to help the others. Sora is now regaining her strength.}

Sora: I guess we’re going to have to find a new hiding place.

Izzy: Wait a minute guys. {He pauses.} Is anyone else’s butt burning?

{Everyone stares awkwardly at Izzy.}

Matt: Holy teenage werewolves! My butt is burning too. Right where the crest appeared.

Mimi: My cheek is burning!

Tai: Mimi, I thought you said your crest was on your face!

Mimi: It is, Tai.

Tai: Then why did you say your cheek was burning?

Mimi: My cheek here.

{She points to her face, directly under her left eye, where the crest of sincerity is now glowing.}

The rest of the group in unison: Whoa!

Izzy: I wonder if my butt is glowing?

Matt: I bet both of our butts are glowing.

Sora: I guess that old saying, “Stick it where the sun don’t shine,” is now obsolete! Ouch! My back.

{Everyone can see the light emanating through the back of Sora’s blouse.}

Tai: Hey guys, look! I now have a glow in the dark watch!

{Tai’s wrist looks like it is on fire.}

Joe: Fellow digi-dorks, I have a stomach ache. I think I should go home and finish studying for the ACP.

Izzy: You don’t have a stomachache, Joe. It’s just your crest of reliability.

Joe: Well, I’ll be darned.

Izzy: This has to mean something important.

{With that, a giant crash can be heard echoing throughout the village. The digidestined look just in time to see Kabuterimon get slammed to the ground a second time by a swarm of Crangularmon. The battle looks like it is going downhill for the good digimon.}

Mimi: They’re just not strong enough.

Joe: Not to defeat that many Crangularmon.

Tai: And the bad dudes are gaining in power.

Matt: Hey everyone, look at Izzy!

{Izzy’s entire body has started to radiate with energy.}

Sora: Are you all right, Izzy?

Izzy: I feel fine, but a little lightheaded.

Tai: That’s not all. Izzy, you’re floating!

{Kabuterimon, which has been lying, trampled on the ground, begins to twitch at his resting place. As Izzy floats steadily higher and glows increasingly brighter, Kabuterimon himself increases in strength. At this point, he automatically digivolves to…MegaKabuterimon. Then, in one giant thrust, he swoops high in the sky and uses his Horn Blaster attack, which carries with it so much electrical force, that it leaves his enemy dead on the field.}

Sora: Look at Joe, everyone!

Joe: Mommy!!! {Joe, too, is radiating energy and levitating.} I want to go home, and study, and be with my Mommy!!!

{One by one, the digidestined grow in strength and power. They then transfer that energy to their digital counterpart, and, slowly but surely, the Crangularmon are defeated. As their dead bodies lie on the battlefield, the digital earth opens up and swallows them into her underworld from whence they came. Primary Village lays in pieces, and the surrounding shrubbery is trampled, but not a single Primary villager is dead or injured.}

* * * * * * * *

The group nearly in unison: Ouch!

{At the end of the battle, their light degenerates and they fall to the ground, creating quite a large thud.}

Mimi: Why can’t I be a normal girl? No, I have to be a digidestined, and be surrounded by death and suffering, and be forced to fall on the ground and get my pretty pink clothes all dirty!

Izzy: Ah, Mimi, come on! You don’t mean that!

Gennai, who has appeared in hologram form: Hello kids! Congratulations on defeating the Crangularmon, but an ever more powerful digimon is still awaiting you. His name is Carnuverimon, and I have learned a very crucial fact about him. He is Piedmon’s twin brother. They were born from the same digital egg, but initially Piedmon was the only one of the two that held incredible strength. However, once Carnuverimon discovered your digital chip, Izzy, he was empowered by it. The microchip caused him to grow, and he has now been able to digivolve to MegaCarnuverimon. Like his brother before him, he has the power to use magic against his enemy. He will be impossible to defeat unless you reach him quickly, for his powers are continuing to grow.

{The frightened digidestined and their digimon quiver with anxiety. Izzy is the only one with an air of confidence.}

* * * * * * * *

Kari: This is stupid, TK! There’s no mystery. The only people we can kiss is each other.

TK: I know. Isn’t it fun?

Kari: You’re so silly, TK.

TK: Well, can you think of a better thing to do? They’ve been gone for several hours. I’m starting to worry. This at least keeps my mind off of it.

{As they sit there talking, MegaCarnuverimon is listening through Tai’s computer. Knowing that he must destroy all digidestined, he reaches his arm through the digital port in the computer, grabs them from their game, and pulls them back into the digital world.}

Kari: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! TK, what’s going on?

TK: I don’t know, Kari, but at least there’s some mystery to it.

* * * * * * * *

Matt: Well, despite the fact that I am quivering with anxiety, I would just like to say that I’m having a wonderful time. This is just like going to the movies. Or maybe even to an incredibly good concert, like the one I will be putting on with my band at the end of the month.

Tai: Matt, we really don’t have time to listen to you talk about yourself right now! We have to get to the MegaCarnu-VERY-UGLY-mon and quick!!

Sora: You’re right, Tai, but do we know where he is? I haven’t seen him during the entire battle.

Izzy: I know exactly where he is!

All in unison: Huh?

Izzy: Follow me everyone. Some of you digimon are going to have to de-digivolve if you want to fit into the digital underworld. {Izzy starts walking toward the battleground at the edge of the village. The rest follow. Once they arrived at one of the giant tears in the digital crust, Izzy jumps down inside.}

Mimi: Izzy! Oh, goodness, he’s just commit suicide! Why, God, why?

Izzy: No, I’m fine; the rest of you should come down.

{One by one, they pile into the underworld, which seems to be a series of large, extensive tunnels and cave-like structures.}

Joe: How does Izzy know where to go?

Tai: It must be that microchip that he built. He was the one that was building it; so naturally, he should have the most energy. Maybe it’s given him some sort of telepathy.

Izzy: Sh! {Izzy has stopped in his tracks. The rest just look at him in wonder.} This way! {Izzy points down one of the intersecting tunnels.}

Sora: It looks so dark down that path.

Joe: Yeah, can’t you pick a different one, Iz?

{Izzy just continues along his way, and, as it becomes too dark to see, he starts to glow, creating a lantern affect. After what seems like an incredibly long journey to several of the digidestined, they come upon an enormous, cavernous room, mysteriously lit. As the kids and their digimon stare down into the crater-like room, they can see MegaCarnuverimon sitting upon a throne of rock and bone. They all hide behind an embankment, watching, until Tai stands up. }

Tai, in a whisper: Kari.

Matt, in a whisper: TK.

{They now see MegaCarnuverimon’s captives, Kari and TK, who are suspended in mid air to his left and to his right. They float restlessly, as if tied to the ceiling of the great room. It is then that MegaCarnuverimon senses the digidestined and their digimon. He raises his lizard-like hand from the throne and uses his mental powers to pull the rock down from in front of them. They are now quite visible to him and his prisoners.}

MegaCarnuverimon: You digidestined. I have been expecting you! {His voice is low and gruff.} Come closer, so I can get a better look at you.

{Power surging from his hands, he propels the digidestined and the digimon forward through the air. Their bodies are individually pocketed in bubbles of energy. They seem helpless against him.}

Tai: What are you doing with my little sister, you, you, you ruffian? {Tai struggles inside the energy field.}

MegaCarnuverimon: I just wanted to make my destruction of you even sweeter. After I’ve killed you, I will kill your bratty little siblings. Then with the digidestined out of the way, I can create a new army, and complete what I have started.

Mimi: But why do you want to destroy the digital world?

MegaCarnuverimon: Oh, I’m not falling for that old trick. You try to distract me by getting me to reveal my entire plan. Well, it’s not going to work. I’m smarter than that; I’m so much smarter than that. But I guess that since I have total and complete power over you, it won’t hurt if I just give you a quick summary of events that led up until this very moment. It all started when I was a young digital monster, born out of the same shell as my brother Piedmon. He was an awful brother, who never did include me, not even when he tried to take over the digiworld. I was weaker and was always picked on, and he would do nothing. I don’t think he ever loved me. Then, there was this one time… {An hour goes by…} And, trust me, things didn’t get better from there. When you destroyed Piedmon, I was all alone in this digital world. I was forced to come down into this cavernous mess to live. And you’d never believe all the nastiness and vulgarity that breeds down here. It’s a wonder I turned out all right.

Matt to Sora: Geez, anyone who talks about himself this long should be shot!

Izzy: But that doesn’t explain why you want to destroy your home.

Mimi: Tai! Wake up…he’s about to get to the good part. {Tai is drooling down his chest until Mimi startles him.}

MegaCarnuverimon: You know, I just want to prove to the world and to my poor deceased brother that I am good enough to do it. I mean, bad enough to do it. All I needed was a little energy boost. That’s where you came in, little boy. Thanks for that marvelous chip. It just saved my life. {By this time, MegaCarnuverimon is talking in a sweet, childlike voice.}

Izzy: Uh, you’re welcome.

Sora: But where are you going to live if you destroy the digital world? Besides, you will have no one to rule.

MegaCarnuverimon: Oh, no, I never thought of that! I’ll…I’ll…I’ll enter the real world and make all the humans my slaves! Yes! That’s what I’ll do. I’ll control your world. But don’t worry little kids; you’ll be long dead by that time. You’ll never have to witness the destruction of your planet.

Matt, yelling: Enough is enough. So why haven’t you killed us already? I don’t think I can stand much more of you NOT telling us your entire plan.

MegaCarnuverimon: Well you don’t have to be so rude! {Matt’s discourteous tone sends MegaCarnuverimon into a rage. He propels the digidestined and their digimon quickly through the air toward the hard cave walls. They would have smashed into the earth at their sides, but an unknown force screeches them to a halt just in time. It was Izzy, who has remained floating directly in front of MegaCarnuverimon.}

MegaCarnuverimon: Little boy, you’re glowing! Not even I can do that.

Izzy: Look MegaCarnuverimon, I’m very sorry about your upsetting childhood, but I can’t do anything about that. The only thing I’m going to do is stop you from ruining your world and ours.

MegaCarnuverimon: You can’t stop me! You’re just a little boy, and I’m a huge digimon! Plus, you don’t have your digimon to fight me.

Izzy: I don’t need my digimon. The chip that I built has given me extreme power, enough to battle you on my own.

{Tentomon was very upset by this thought.}

Tentomon, in his head: Izzy doesn’t need me anymore?

{Izzy floats steadily closer until he is right in front of MegaCarnuverimon’s face. MegaCarnuverimon looks scared.}

Izzy, with a sinister look on his face: Now release my friends before I have to unleash my full force upon you.

MegaCarnuverimon, in a whimper: I don’t have to do anything you tell me to. You’re not the boss of me!

Izzy, yelling: DO IT NOW! {His voice echoes harshly throughout the tunnels, scaring MegaCarnuverimon even further.}

MegaCarnuverimon: Oh, all right.

{The energy bubbles that surrounded the digidestined and their digimon burst, and they all begin to fall toward the floor. Luckily, they were close enough to the curved cave walls, that, after a short drop, they just roll down the rest of the way to the floor.}

Tai: Oh, my hair! {He reaches for his most precious asset.}

Mimi: I’m dirty all over again. {She and the others begin to dust themselves off.}

MegaCarnuverimon: There! Are you satisfied? {He is about to cry.}

Izzy: No. I’m not satisfied. Give me my microchip, right now!

{MegaCarnuverimon reluctantly hands the tiny chip back to Izzy, causing him to de-digivolve immediately back to Carnuverimon. Then, in a single pop, he de-digivolves to his rookie level, Herbimon, a gentle plantlike digimon. With the destructive force contained, Izzy allows himself to float gently to the ground beneath him.}

Herbimon: Now, what are you going to do with me? Kill me? I’m too young to die!!!

Izzy, joined by the rest of the digidestined: We’re not going to kill you. At this level, you’re completely harmless.

Joe: What we have to do is get out of these nasty caves. I’m getting claustrophobic.

{The digidestined start back through the tunnels, and the innocent Herbimon slumps off deeper into the caves. Izzy looks back over his shoulder at the wilted little digimon.}

Izzy: Hey, Herby! Be good, we’ll be back to check on you later.

Herbimon: You will? You mean you’re not going to just forget about me?

Sora: How could we?

Herbimon: Oh, you love me; you really love me!

{Herbimon begins to dance, and, after that, he zips off happily into the caves. The digidestined and their digimon soon pile out of the hole in the digital earth’s crust. As they stand there in the sunshine, they can see the irreparable damage that has been done to the land they love so much. It was a sad day for all.}

Tai: Oh, Kari. At least you’re all right. I was so worried about you.

Kari: I could tell. I was so proud of you when you started calling MegaCarnuverimon a ruffian. I didn’t think you had it in you.

{Tai and Kari hug.}

TK: Matt, how come you didn’t call MegaCarnuverimon a ruffian in my defense?

Matt: Well, I actually thought it was pretty cool to see you caught in an energy pocket like that. I’ve always wanted to restrict you in some sort of rope or something, but Mom would never let me!

TK: Matt!

Matt: I’m just kidding, little brother.

{They share a hug as well.}

Mimi: Well, I guess there’s only one thing left to do.

Izzy: What’s that?

Sora: We have to destroy the chip, Izzy. It’s the only way we can prevent this from happening again.

Mimi: I was going to say that we should all go home and take a bath.

Izzy: You’re right, Sora.

{Izzy takes the microchip from his pocket and lays it on a rock. He then picks up another rock and hits the microchip several times. It is crushed into hundreds of tiny little pieces. Without any warning, the digital world begins to rebuild itself right before their very eyes. Mimi gasps in excitement, then throws her arms around Izzy’s neck and kisses his cheek!}

Mimi: My hero!

{Izzy blushes and everyone laughs.}

Gennai, who has appeared in hologram form: Hey, no PDA (Public Displays of Affection)!

Matt: Hey, old guy! Does this mean we get to go home now?

Gennai: Yes, you can now go home, but I’d like to congratulate you first. What a marvelous victory, and you didn’t even have to use your digimon. This proves that the strength is inside you to accomplish anything. It proves why you are the digidestined. I’m just sorry that your tattooed crests have disappeared now that the microchip is gone. They looked pretty stylish. Now, you better say goodbye to your friends the digimon and head back to Herbimon’s digital portal. As for me, I’m going to Digi-Vegas to see if I can’t win some quarters. Bye kids!

{Gennai disappears, and the entire group makes their way back underground to the nearest portal. Standing before the digiport, the digidestined say a final farewell to their friends.}

Tentomon: You didn’t really mean that, Izzy. Did you?

Izzy: Mean what?

Tentomon: That you didn’t need me.

Izzy: Oh, Tentomon, I was just bluffing. I have no idea how much power I actually had. {Izzy and Tentomon embrace.} I will always need you, my friend.

{Just then, the digiport opens, and everyone leaps through into Mimi’s den.}

Joe: Well, I’m glad that’s over and done with.

Mimi: Me too!

Tai: Well, Sora, I’m waiting!

Sora: Waiting for what?

Tai: Well, Izzy got a kiss for his heroic bravery. As the leader of the digidestined, I think I deserve one too!

Sora: For what? All you did was drool all over yourself while you took a nap.

Kari: I’ll kiss you, Tai.

Tai: Sorry, Kari. It’s just not the same.

{They all laugh at Tai. THE END.}
