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As the song says, "Welcome to My World"
I love making web pages.  I do them for fun.  Most are for holidays or birthdays, though I like to try my hand at coming up with something pretty and romantic.   I've learned how to make a lot of my own images.  It takes longer to make the pages that way, but I like to see what I can do. 
There are lots of pages out there that are more professional and gorgeous, but that's ok.  I do this
as a stress reliever and to take my mind off problems.  
This page is a very simple one, as you can see.  I hope to make others that have
a little more "content" that is hopefully pleasing to the eye.


Thanks for stopping by.


Happy Birthday, Amy

Happy 21st Birthday

Happy Birthday, Teresa

I Miss You Most At Christmas Time

Merry Christmas, Darling