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Aight, ok.. heres a brief bio: The name is Rico, im 17, born July 2nd, 1986, cancer is my sign, born and raised in Augusta, Ga. I'm 5'8, 160lbs, brown skin and eyes with black hair. I'll be attending South Carolina State University in the fall of 2004, Im usually goofy, crackin jokes, goin to the mall, the movies, other friends house, or you can find me in the house chillin on the phone, watchin a movie, or eatin whatever i find in the refridgerator. Im pretty much a well rounded, down to earth person. I dont smoke or drink ( ok.. maybe a lil sip. ) I hate with a passion people that are stuck up and have absolutely no reason to be, people that are phony as hell laugh in ya face and talk about you behind your back, and people without a sense of humor.. damn lighten up? [ if this applies to you, how about you do me a favor and move on. ] But all my cool peoples please feel completely and utterly free to holla at me. I'm usually bold but only to a certain extent meanin i'll tell you how i feel about what i feel and leave it at that, you can't really change my mind about shit i find no interest in and im not gonna let you waste your time thinkin you can. I can come off a lil bit mean but only when im irritated and thats when assholes ask me stupid questions or have somethin dumb to say in my notes like correcting what i say or have on my pages. Damn Microsoft Word spellchecker representatives, but other than that im real nice and kindhearted. (smile) I like designing pages, (for myself, not you.. unless I like you and Im bored at the same time) posin for a couple of pictures, playin video games, drivin, watchin tv, buyin new clothes and shoes, I have a hat/visor and sunglasses fetish ( feel free to buy me some fitted hats sometime ) I usually wear ecko, old navy, aeropostale, express men, and a taste of rocawear, sean jean, and phatfarm, or other different shit that nobody else has... at least I think they dont?.



yahoo: nigguhooowee
aim: kupiid valentino

Like I said, feel free to holla at me im usually online anyway so why not get a lil chit chat goin on?.. you wanna get to know me right?.. RIGHT?.. i thought so :) peace up, a-town down...

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