Fun in the Sun...

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Another day at the beach...

Tropical Lagoon...

Snorkeling in a lost paradise...

Exploring for Morgan's Treasure...

What a ride...

Lets catch a wave...

In the Pipeline...

"Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are a master of your fate and the Captain of your soul."

We do not remember the days... We remember the moments.
---- Unknown

Taboga Island the Island of flowers...

Lets go to the beach...

The day ends... manana, we'll ride the waves again...

Panama... a lost paradise

The Old Canal Zone is all gone now... The Old Canal Zone is all gone now...It slipped away quietly like a tropical breeze in the night... Memories of the past are many... Images frozen in time staring back at you... In treasured countless yearbooks and photo albums... Happy days in a lost far away now... The Old Canal Zone is all gone now... Memories can not be sold or bought... We all have an appointment somewhere in time... It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to know what is to follow...So what is all the noise... there is no enigma here...The train has left the station.... all aboard, now! ...The Old Canal Zone is all gone now... Footprints mark our passage... Town sites mark our past...Diablo, Balboa, Curundu, Cocoli... all gone now...Some say they are still there... Coal-on, Margarita, Davis... Not the same, Mon..... nothing stays the same... Solve the puzzle... write the words... Laughter is good medicine...The Old Canal Zone is all gone now... friends... much has changed for time marches on... But hey it will be fun!... Here is something to think about...Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting... Wow! What a ride! So, where do we go from here? That is a good question... Can anybody really go home? ...

Yes! Let's escape to my Panama
at the crossroads of world commerce
in the heart of the universe...
Let the magic begin.

To strive is to keep a dream alive. If you use each today as a chance to reach out, to learn something more of what life's all about....... If you follow your dreams, strive to make them come true..... Then life's sure to bring all the best things to you. ----Unknown

Carpe Diem!

Panama Dreaming.....

It has been a real pleasure sharing little more about the beaches of Paanama... As a kid living in the old Canal Zone going to the beach was a 24/7 occupation... It was not only fun but we met a lot of our friends there... the beaches are still there waiting for new footprints... go for it! We do not remember the days... We remember the moments.---- Unknown...Take care and drop by again. Hasta la Vista. See you on the flip side.

Photo Credits: Author, Bill Fall, US Navy Archives, US Navy Historical Society, Montana, CZ and PCC Archives

Escape to Paradise

Too Many Secrets

Little Stories to enjoy

Sing and rejoice, tra-la-la, for fortune is smiling upon you!