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Praying For Priests

Praying For Priests

That priests be filled with the love of Christ, that they will be secure in their identity and vocation and alive with the power of the Holy Spirit.

That priests will attain to a deep interior life that will liberate them from materialism and sensuality and from discouragement, indifference and cynicism.

In thanksgiving for the vast army of faithful priests that they may grow in the love of Christ and that the title "Father" may have meaning because of all those who are brought to new life and holiness.

For Bishops and priests who are persecuted and imprisoned; who are rejected and poor.

So that priests will be protected from the deception of the evil one and safeguarded from confusion of doctrine and rebellion against authority in the Church.

Adopt A Priest

Have you ever considered adopting a brother Priest?

Ask Mary to assign him to you.

Love him like a real brother.

Daily pray and sacrifice for him.

Shield him from temptation.

Beg God that he avoid giving scandal.

Call him back to fervor.

Become a saint that he may become one.

Pray that Mary be a tender Mother to him and find him good friends.

Pray for more vocations to follow after him.

Suggestions For Praying For Priests:

Prayer of Any Kind



Holy Communiuon


Holy Hour

Day of Fasting

Day Of Abstaining From Meat

Act Of Penance

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Diocese Of Beaumont
In Honor Saint Andrew Kim Dae-gon - My Patron Saint
Prayers For Priests