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Pimpin' Records
Hot Bitches!
Listen to Music:
Choose Song:
-Automatic Systematic
-Hot in Here
-Put it in ur Mouth
- Say I Yi Yi
-Oh Boy
-Cali Kingpins
-Streets of Oakland
-Kiles mom's a Bitch
-Pimp Shit
-Land of a Million Drums
-Without Me
-Get the F*#K Back
.................More Songs
Record Company
Daily Bitch

After the NEW Pimpin' Record$ came to be

Pimpin' Record$ - The Site for all your Pimp needs

What Pimps Do


Welcome to the Pimpin' Record$ Company Site

Exodus - Yo, this is the web designer and creator, Exodus. This site's goin' through a whole lot of changes this month and in a few days or weeks this site will be brand new with all types of new shit. This site is basically to inform people of what Pimpin' Records is, and to hopefully kill some time out of your lives (it's what all sites are for, ain't it?). I'm runnin' this site along with my other site, so I'm pretty busy between takin' care of everything. But if you got any questions of how somethin was made or if there are any problems, don't be afraid to contact me. Now stop readin' my message and enjoy the fuckin' site, or you can read the message of the motherfuckin' owner of Pimpin' Record$.

Pimp G - Well Welcome to the NEW & IMROVED Pimpin' Records...Hope you like this shit it too 2 creative minds but one smart ass designer. Well The New Pimpin Record now has new shit look around take your time and holla at me ...this is what im doin for next week I start workin' so i might lagging but hey i stay pimpin'...well WELCOME!



If you got any requestz for us, don't be 'fraid to drop us a line. We take requestz for music, the website, anythin'.
Got a Request? E-mail:

Site Errors:

This site is bein maintained by two peoples at personal home computers. If any errors or broken links pop up somewhere, and it's likely to happen, don't be afraid to tell one of the people that run the site. If you got any questions on the site itself, like how somethin' was made, don't be afraid to drop us a line either.
Website Comments/Questions? E-mail: Exodus

Company Creator/Owner: . . . . . . . Website Owner/Caretaker:

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This is God