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Marlalalala ... la Down Under

Bookmark my site! You know you want to :-D

HAM quotient is still lower than hoped for. Preparing for tests, and am scared out of my mind. Hopefuly it won't be as bad as i think it will be. Other than that, life's same ol' same ol'


I put a new update on my blog. It's nothing special since my life has consisted of nothing but school. But there's a story about my brush with death. Other than that it's just a hi/bye kinda thing. I"ll update more after my trip with my fam.

Here's the deal on the pictures. They're located at I've provided a link below my Blog link. You're going to have to sign up as a member to view my pics, but it's free so no big. This is a REALLY good site for picture hosting and that's the only reason i chose it. I'm sorry that you guys have to sign up, but just uncheck all the boxes that say you want their emails and you won't get stuff from them. I only got the welcome to imagestation email and haven't gotten anything since. My member name is Marlala. I'm not sure how you view my pictures, i may have to invite you. If you can't figure out how to view my pics, then email me and i'll send out an invite. I may decide to just send out an invite anyway so if you get an email from me check it out. OR, i've added links below to my Photo Albums, click on them and see if they'll take you straight to my pics. If so, let me know and i'll keep putting up album links and that way you won't have to join. But if you click the links it may tell you that you have to join in order to view this page. I'm not sure how this works so i'm in the building phase. Email me and let me know how things work so i can make this as simple as possible. Enjoy!

Questions, comments, concerns: email me at

Other sites of mine:

My Blog (an online journal)
My Pictures
Sydney Harbor
Taronga Zoo
My Home in Adelaide
Flinders Uni Scenery
Wildlife Tour