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Favorite Sites

Hello this is my new web-site I hope you enjoy this site! If you have any questions, just email at this link below.

E-Mail Jordan!

Hi! Here will be just a little bit of information about me. I attend Mississinewa High School. Some of my hobbies include playing basketball, Magic: The Gathering, Starcraft: Brood War, and I also just like to be hanging out with my friends at the movies or wherever we may go. I'm soon to be a senior as of May 21, 2003.

Later on I will be modifying this web-site when I get some more time on my hands. I will probably work towards dedicating this site towards the best computer game of all time, which is of course Starcraft: Brood War. If I do this I will have a replay databank and other things that will benefit others online that play the game also.

This is the game I am talking about if you don't know.

If you are interested in looking at this game go to the favorite sites part of my page to look at another page devoted to Starcraft.