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Gabby La's Q-Tip Gallery

Here's some of my friends. If you're not on it (and if you ARE my friend) IM or e-mail me. Tankies!!
This is my sort of daily log!!
This is my GENERAL album!
Here's some sort of random stuff, I mean, it's not too exciting.
Here's a Random Album (Have Fun!!!)
Some of my Favorite Things
Here's quite a few Inside Jokes, but I couldn't remember them All!

What I don't have in my locker, and I really SHOULD have in it!!

Daily Cartoon provided by Bravenet Daily Cartoon provided by Bravenet
YODELS everyone! hehe....sorry i didn't change my site in a while (like 2 MONTHS!!) but this fine morning (Super Bowl Sunday!!!) i decided to because i had nothing better to do, and my throat hurt (one question--why does it seem that whenever my throat hurts, it decides things for me to do?). I chose this background to make things cheerier (is it more cheery?) because SPRING is almost here (well, not really but people-- let's be optimistic here!!). Well, I don't really have much more to say so: email me me when ya can and...DR. GABBY LIVES ON! --gabby lynn P.S. look at my profile...:-D ~ Yodel Everybody!! Here's my mailing list--just sign up (you don't have to put your full name, but put a name in so i know who actually's COMPELETLY free!!
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Here's my website!! I really like it!! I hope you do too, ok?? If you want to e-mail me or anything like that, my e-mail is yeah...HAVE FUN! WOWIE ZOWIE! I just saw that when you go on my website like you would always do, at the bottom, sometimes it shows where you buy somethings that I mention on that part of the website, and on mine, it says you can buy Q-TIPS!! YAY FOR Q-TIPS!!!
