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Image Soil or HydroImage

Can't decide whether to set up your indoor cannabis garden for soil or hydro? Perhaps this list of advantages and disadvantages can help answer some of your questions.

Issues & Tradeoffs Common To Both Methods


Soil Advantages

Soil Disadvantages

Hydro Advantages

Hydro Disadvantages

By definition, soil refers to an earthen growing medium (substrate) in which all the nutritive elements needed to sustain plant life are self-contained within the medium and activated by the addition of plain water. Hydro refers to a variety of inert growing mediums that can use a variety of irrigation methods in which all the nutritive elements needed to sustain plant life are self-contained within the water via the addition of a soluble fertilizer. Hydro can also refer to water culture, where no substrate of any kind is used. It can be important for the inexperienced grower to understand those simple differences because soil and hydro are both often viewed as meaning this method or that method (the singular), where hydroponics (the plural) actually refers to any one of several methods depending on which hydroponic growing medium and irrigation method one chooses.



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