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Wassup y'all.Welcome to my website. To start off with, my name is Eva Florinda Gomes. Got dark brown eyes and long dark brown hair. My favourite hobbies are reading chilling with my gurls and spending time with my baby dog. His name is Tazz. I love eating. My favourite kinds of food are Chineese, Mexican, and junk food like Macdonalds and kentucky . One thing people hate most about me is my attitude, but I am very kind at heart. My loved ones can always depend on me no matter what. If you hate me for no apparent reason then you can just get out my face. That is the kind of personality I have. Also, I have a family of three siblings. My brother John, myself and my younger sister(who apparently looks older than me) Linda. Another thing, I am very short but am very tough. I love sports but don't get the time for it. By the way I love Vin Diesel.

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