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ALL you EVER needed to know about Erin

ABOUT ME: I am a college student at PJC in Northwest Florida(not for too much longer though!!!) Right now, I have no specified major, but I am waiting to hear back from the University of Florida on whether or not I have been accepted there so that I can start studying to become a DOCTOR!!! When I'm not at school, I'm working as a pharmacy technician at a local Eckerd Drug. I think that it is really cool to work there(sometimes,lol) and to see how meds react to people and how they help. We live here currently, hopefully for a duration longer than 3 years. My dad retired from the US Navy this past Friday, June 20, 2003 after 23 years of dutiful service. I'm soooo happy that he's finally out of that 'corporation'...really and truly, it seems as if the people most dedicated people to the job are the ones that get treated like trash. Anyway, back to me. Well, mabye not-I think I've said (typed) just about everything that there is to type about me. Enjoy the site!!

INTERESTS AND HOBBIES: Well, I'd probably have more interests if I had more time to be interested in things...HaHa..I do, however, like to read, go hiking and biking, and go to concerts(a new one!!). Some of my hobbies include: playing with animals, bowling(!!but apparently, my friends are under the misconception that I LOVE the "sport" yeah-right), and singing

Favorite Websites

music lyrics
funny ha-ha
University of Florida homepage
GodSmack (band) homepage
