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May 2005 Update
May 2005 Update
Reconnaissance sources confirm that the Evilsets has been on operational hiatus as of late, said sources can only speculate why. Eight photo pages (local and regional action) follow, operatives involved have been identified as the following: Serk, Gum, Dyez, Dose, Lotus, Kick, Sarz, Pubes, Fyse, Rank, Bug, Gnes, 2ilski, Bane, Mac, Gryzm, Kepto, Buds, Cre, Depts, Dem, Oshen, Prvok, Idea, Erupt, Sence, Egos, Esin, Easy, Jets, Trnch,Typo, Pez, Sever, Reks, Rots, Seko, Salty, Siloe, Pesky, Page, Bsyk, Vox, Warp, and many more. . .