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Hey, my name is Iván . I am 18 years old and a Highschool student, currently living in California. I was born in Mexico in a state called Morelia, I came here in the year 2000 and it has been fun.
Right now as you can see I that I am interested in web-design and other things such as graphic-design, I don’t know its something I always felt really good doing.
I also love playing Halo 2 with friends that game is really something else, it never seems to get old.

ZBrush 2 is a huge leap forward in speed, performance and technology. Modeling, texturing and painting features have all benefitted from unprecedented code enhancements. Z2 is fast. It boasts handsomely optimized code innovations, combined with unique features, providing more power to create models with unparalleled detailing capabilities.
Check out Zbrush's page!

I have been working and man my body is just getting tired, its is hard but necessary. I work every weekend and of course this spring break, no vacation for me, GAY!
Alright feel free to ask anything that you want. Later!

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