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The Antilles Cantina

Location: Somewhere Unannounced

Duck your head! The door's kinda low.
{You see a cantina full of strange and wonderful races and beings. The walls are freshly painted with a dark brown laquer, but smoke already has stained the tops of the walls. There is a counter directly facing the door, where a girl apparently in her twenties is rubbing the bar down with a rag and studying this new arrival.} Welcome! There's a special on Randoni Yellow Plagues today. Two for the price of one if you don't fall out on the first one. No? Well, what are you here for? Miss Aravis? OH! That's me, kid. I run the place, and the cat who usually works the afternoon shift is having a litter, so I can answer your questions. You're not an Imperial, are you? Oh, Good!

What am I doing here? Oh, I hung up the old namer's hat a while back and started up a cantina here in the Palanon. Yeah, everybody knows I was the namer. Hey! Put that down!. Anyway, whaddaya need? {She takes you to a back room, where several doors lead to several unseen rooms}

Mahrien Duen

{She smiles gently as you stare at the glowing orbs}Perhaps I should explain each one. That might help you decide which to visit. You are the traveler, after all...

1) Imbolkenis...a mouthful of a plane, for sure. Here rest the writings of Kassendra Siran, Veya Larson, and other space captains and those who only seek a star to sail to. Also some great stargazing, if you're a tourist.

2) of magic and dreams. Here a young man can become a wizard, or a star-fighter. There are so many things writhing beneath the surface. Here are Adriadne Zarin, and Korin Ravenclaw, and many others who's dreams seem impossible...until they aren't.

3) Zidon...many have actually tasted this place, including Ziophen. Land of Lilith, the Snow-white God-queen, Zidon is a place of many things and people.Here you meet

4)Starlight-- This is probably my largest jar here. My best friends, Justin, Abigail, and Erin and I all came up with this universe. Steal it, and I send Daemira and the Uruk-Hai and the Sardaukar and the Emperor's Hand and Xur and anything else I can think of after you. We've put too much work into making this universe unique to have a peon like you... Oops. Sorry. {{embarrassed smile}} I get a little protective of this one. Anyway, be careful with this jar.

5) The Last Starfighter-- We wrote a sequel because we thought it sucked that Xur escaped. Pretty simple. You can find the pictures and fics here in this bottle.

6) Theatre-- I'm a theatre major. This is theatre stuff. My horrid first attempt at writing a play is in this jar also. If you're interested in it, leave a message for me at

7) Odd Writings-- I'm a writer. What does one do but write? Some poetry, drawings, etc. is here. Enjoy this jar, but steal anything and I'll tell Blaze you said Grima was ugly. She's massacre you then for sure. In defense of Brad Dourif, however, he's actually better than Mark Hamil, for instance. Must he always play annoyingly ugly characters, though?

So which bottle is it? I know you've come for at least one of them. Or maybe a Randoni Yellow Plague? Or two? Come on! Make your choice. {She turns to a demanding Quarren who orders a Corellian beer. Then she turns back, having supplied him with enough intoxicant, and tapps her fingers on the bar, smiling.} It won't kill you. I promise. Go Ahead.

Star Wars--Now Posted! | Lord of the Rings--Now Posted! | Dune--Now Posted! | Starlight--To Be Posted | The Last Starfighter--To Be Posted | Theatre--To Be Posted | Odd Writings--To Be Posted

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