XPWA Wrestling


Rain has tormented the children of the city of Mackay All weekend, so much so that it refuses to give them freedom from their households. It is almost a relief the following Monday when everyone arrives at school. The clouds and the sky are Grey and the light from the sun can’t be seen, Yellow shirted children are filling the halls with talking and Gossip (“Didja hear about Nina and that bottle of Peppermint essence?” “Yeah What a slut”).

The crows that populated the school on the weekend are now forced to seek shelter in the high trees away from the loud children, The rubbish buns that where once filled to the top with rubbish are now knocked over contents spilled all over the ground. Paper Bark trees are emitting an awful smell like they do every time it rains, some white shirted people sit under them in a circle talking and smoking far away from the teachers and principals watching eye.

Sam Waits at the bus stop with his bag on his back and his shirt untucked like a real rebellious person. He waits for a bus and eventually a large silver bus with the number 106 on it pulls into the spot reserved for it, and children pour out and naturally they are a loud bunch having been cooped up on a bus for what seems like ages.

Sam waits for the crowd of yellow shirts to pass a few of them wave to him and he promptly ignores them, eventually out from the Bus steps Andrew Paul Gorgadore. He has aged a good couple of months since we last saw him and he has grow physically, his friend greets him at the stop and they walk into the school grounds side by side. There steps are almost synchronized as they pass through the gate, they remain silent untill they get to the courtyard next to the Canteen.

Before they can sit down however rain begins to fall in buckets, it drenches a large crowd of yellow shirted people sitting in the courtyard to catch a glimpse of Andy Gorgadore. Sam and Andy Move at a leisurely pace not walking fast but not walking slow and eventually they arrive in the hallway. The Hallway is now filled with practically the entire population of the school all half wet and complaining (as Teenagers do), Andy and Sam walk down the middle of the hall and a path automatically clears around them a few people say hi to Sam but nothing else is said.

As they walk they pass The Footballers and there they see Drake Zachary, The School sporting god perfect at everything the combination of brains brawn and beauty. He was talking to his Girlfriend Nina Fowler who is pretty much the Male Equivalent of him, they are having an argument Andy leans his head over a bit to hear what they are saying but they reveal nothing.

Further down the line they get to a case with a bunch of medals and Trophies, Andy and Sam turn to face the case we can see there faces reflect off the glass as the camera looks at the trophies. There is a picture of Andy shaking hands with Ace Devin in the case, next to that is the football championship trophy and next to that is a picture of the Team from a few years ago with a player on there shoulders holding the trophy.

On further inspection the man holding the trophy in the Photo is Justin Gorgadore, Andy’s brother and Guardian he had been captain that year and had lead there team to victory. Sam turns his head towards his friend who is staring at the case with a glum expression.

Sam: So you think we are gonna win this year?

Andy: Football?

Sam: Yeah, This is the best squad we have had since your brother was here

Andy: We could win, If Drake passes the ball

Sam: Woah, hostile towards Drake are we? Does this have anything to do with the Frighteningly Disgusting Miss Fowler?

Andy: He is a pompous Dick that’s all

Nothing is said for a few minutes Sam turns his attention towards the case again, he checks his watch and the looks back at the case. Their breath is fogging up the case; Sam turns his head towards Andy Again

Sam: Happy Birthday Man, Sorry I forgot it was the 11th right?

Andy: yeah it means nothing, just another day.

He begins to walk down the hall again Sam stares at the case for a little while longer but then follows Andy and catches him up. They then turn into a room and go to the back and sit down. The desks are wooden cracking and peeling with masses of graffiti on them, the chairs are plastic most of them are cracked at the back so that the back of your shirt gets caught in them and you either get pinched or you stand to correct it.

Into the room walks Drake and Nina they hold hands as they pass Andy and Sam not even glancing at them, Andy’s eyes follow Nina across the room but once they sit down he snaps his attention to the front again. Sam notices this and turns his attention towards and who looks at him.

Sam: When will you give it up man?

Andy: Give what up?

Sam: The Crazy Notion of a Relationship with Nina

Andy: I don’t know what you’re talking about

Sam: I notice when you look at her, like just then and when she is on parade and at football games. You’re hoping one day she will catch your eye and fall madly in love with you. If that’s how it was I would have been married to Tara Reid Ten times over

Andy: You’re an Idiot

Sam: You have no chance

There isn’t any chance to say anything after that because the teacher enters the room, the entire room goes silent and people take their hats off. It shows the clock on top of the whiteboard eventually seventy minutes pass Andy and Sam Pack their things and leave for lunch.

They go to the courtyard, which is empty except for a few girls and the end of the line to get to the canteen. Sam is reading a wrestling Magazine the front cover says “DAAAAAAAAANGEROOOOOOUS an Exclusive interview with Ace Daring”, Andy on the other hand is drinking a coke and just generally doing nothing.

Sam: You got a Mention!

Andy Promptly takes a sip of his coke waits a few seconds and then spits it out

Andy: WHAT! Where?

Sam points to a part of the page that he then reads out loud

Sam: Ok, the reporter asked him about his time in the wrestling industry “When you start out you are given nothing at all, you have to work your ass to the bone to achieve a good result. Take a student of mine for Example Andy Gorgadore He started just writing an essay for a school competition in a small town called Mackay. He worked hard for a good few months and he really transformed in front of my eyes, now he is in a United States Title Match in XPWA as his first professional match. He worked for something and he got his desired result XPWA was so impressed they gave him a title match for his first match. I hope he does well”

Isn’t that great! He has faith in you

Andy is looking at the ground Sam notices this and thinks nothing of it; eventually he puts a hand on his back and pats him twice. Andy looks at his friend his eyes are reflecting the light from the sun, Sam opens his mouth to say something but then closes it making him look like his is trying to catch invisible flies.

Andy: I’m worried man…

Sam: Why?

Andy: What if there is all this Hype and then nothing, Another Below Average Wrestler Released upon the world.

Sam: Well! Fight it! Do something freaking spectacular and make people go “wow, That guy is cool”, Do some freaky Flip Shit!

Andy Sighs, Sam continues to read his magazine eventually time passes and a bell rings indicating the beginning of next session.


A Striped ball is in the area of the pocket on a pool table, the white ball rebounds off the side and hits it away from the pocket. Andy Is the one who makes the next shot, he is leaning over with one eye closed. He strikes the white ball it rebounds off the opposite side misses another ball completely and lands in the pocket, A foul.

Sam stands there chalking his stick and saying nothing , he has a large grin on his face that indicates he is rather happy with the turn of events. Andy Steps back and watches as Sam sinks the last one of his balls, he is now going for the black while Andy has three balls left.

Andy Goes to take another shot misses and then throws his stick down, he is losing patience in this game. Sam however is having the time of his life, a voice comes from the doorway and they snap their attention towards it.

Justin: I see you inherited my method of playing pool

Andy is Confused at the above statement.

Justin: I call it “Fuck it”.

Sam takes his shot and just misses hitting the black ball into the right corner pocket.

Justin: Here Andy Pass me this

Justin takes the pool stick from Andy’s hand, he lines up a shot shoots and gets it in the pocket, he does it a second time as well but misses on the third. Sam takes a shot and misses horribly, Justin takes another shot and sinks the third ball and then the eight ball, he then goes to hand the stick to Andy.

Justin: There, that’s how it done

Justin drops the stick in Andy’s hand only Andy doesn’t catch it, it bounces on the ground and falls to the right. Justin (Who was walking away) turns and locks eyes with Andy who gives him a look of pure Hatred and loathing.

Justin: Pick up the Stick Andy…..

Andy Stands there his eyes locked on Justin’s Sam comes up from behind Andy and puts an arm on his back.

Sam: Just pick it up man

Andy doesn’t respond he continues to glare at Justin as if he wants him to die.

Sam: Here I’ll pick it up

Sam bends down to pick it up, Justin puts out his hand.

Justin: NO don’t pick it up, let Andy do it

Now a crowd has formed and they are all around the pool table, all watching intently. Andy’s eyes don’t shift from Justin’s, there is silence in bar now as everyone has turned there attention to the power struggle between the brothers.

Suddenly Andy swings at Justin, Justin Grabs his arm and puts him in a wristlock. Justin pushes as he releases the hold and Andy ends up on the ground, Andy goes to push himself up off his hands but Justin pushes him in the ribs with the side of his shoe. Andy lies on his side and his brother stands over him.

Justin: Little Bitch!

Justin walks towards the door and the crowd dissolves and people begin to talk among themselves. Sam comes over and bends down on one knee

Sam: Why didn’t you just pick up the cue? Wouldn’t it have been easier that way!

Andy sits up

Andy: Fuck him! FUCK HIM!

Andy Stands up and walks out the door, fuelled on public embarrassment he walks onto the street after his brother.