Virtual Pets Network-Gigapets

Gigapets are my favorite virtual pet. I just have a thing for them. Probably because they were the first virtual pet I ever tried. (Some people say that its a mistake to choose Gigapets as a beginners pet, but I did, and after a few deaths, I figured out how it worked. LOL.) My first Gigapet was the 101 Dalmatians Gigapet. (How I miss it! *sob* oh well I hope I can get new batteries for it soon!) I have more than 30 gigapets, NaNos, Tamagotchis, and some other brand pets. You could say that I REALLY got addicted to them. And guess what? Only one, out of all those 30 something pets works. Lol, and the one that works is my Talking NaNo Kitty. But this is the place for Gigapets, I will discuss NaNos in the NaNos section.:)
Here is basically how a Gigapet looks. The looks of a Gigapet are all different, but somewhat simalar. This is a Digital Doggie gigapet:

However, there is more than one type of Gigapet. There are regular Gigapets, KFC Gigapets, Gigapets Plus, Giga Faces, and Giga Fighters. I have tryed all of these except for the Giga Fighters(I'm not into fighting, I think it's mean and hurtful.:() and I would like to say that my favorite and the one I recommend is the KFC Gigapets. But, however, they only sold at KFC for a limited time, so your outta luck if you didn't get one while they were selling them. But I suppose you might be able to buy them over the internet from someone who's selling them, or from someone in your neighborhood thats selling them?
Anyway, to view the basic Gigapet care sheet, click here.
The Virtual Pets Network

A list of things Gigapets can do(not in order):