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Mike's Page
I'm Having An Identity Crisis
Goku-Link Fade
Link Well if your wondering why I have a pic of Link and Goku encircling this pargraph it's because...... Me and my friends say I look like these guys and these are my favortie Video Game and TV characters. Goku
Link Well here's some more info about me and my interests. I am a "simple" person. I mean I love TV and Video games and I work and go to school just like everyone else. But I'll tell you what I like best in the world.

My favorite TV's show is Dragon Ball Z, and my favorite character on that show is of corse Goku. And on the same note I love the cartoon style called Anime, which is for those who aren't bleased with the knowledge, Japanese Animation.

I also spend a lot of time playing Video Games on my Nitendo 64 or my Computer or my Play Station 2. Some of my favorite games are Final Fantasy's 7-9, and Zelda: Majora's Mask and Ocorina of Time.

And as a final note for my future I want to either be a computer programmer or a computer animator. And my ultimate Dream is to show my characters and ideas to the world so that they can bring joy to the masses.

Well if you want to get in touch with me my E-mail Adress is right at the bottom of my page.

Dragon Ball Z
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