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bred by

J. P. Isom


Oriental Rollers
An ancient breed.  There are both flying and show strains, as well as some dual purpose ones.  The birds do backward somersaults in flight and can spin like tops in the air. The wing carriage below the tail is a breed trait and they are a bigger bird than the Birmingham Rollers..  There are many (mostly solid) colors in the breed.
almond oriental roller almond cock
Almond Old Cock (1,0)
almond oriental roller hen
Almond Old Hen (0,1)
Almond spread (sprinkle) Oriental Roller Cock
Spread Almond (Sprinkled) Old Cock (1,0)
White Oriental Roller Cock
Self White Old Cock (1,0)
Kite Oriental Roller Hen
Kite Old Hen (0, 1)

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