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Photography Research Institute Carson Endowment

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Help for Anyone Involved in Pricing Digital Film and/or Photography

Pricing is the Hardest Part

        One major difference between success and failure, as a Professional Photographer, is the ability to price assignments quickly, accurately, and profitably with justification and confidence to both yourself and your buyer. That's where the 2007 GOLD BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHY PRICES comes in.
        It tells you the right price to charge for your photography. Use your 2007 GOLD BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHY PRICES as an everyday reference to check your prices to make sure you're in line. Many times when arriving at a selling price for an assignment, the price may appear to you as either too high or too low. A quick check with your 2007 GOLD BOOK OF PHOTOGRAPHY PRICES will tell you the RIGHT PRICE!

When you know your price is right . . . YOU CAN SELL.

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