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The Site

This is the boring page where I give credit to peeps and answer your FAQs. OK here we go.

This website was created on July 14, 2001 but a young fan of Josh Hartnett's. Since then, it has grown to be the second most popular and viewed Josh page on, and visited by friends and relatives of Mr. Hartnett himself. This is not a boring, info packed website made by some old guy, this a fan page made by fans, for fans and about fans! Josh rocks and so do all of his fans!

*Thanks to Brenda for all the awesome pics! You rock!

Now I am going to answer the most common questions:

Q: How come sometimes this page says "Temporarily out of Service"?

A: If a certain amount of people visit this page everyday, or if I've updated a lot, the server has to load everything and, like, process it or something. Usually when it says that, it will be available in about an hour.

Q: Are you Josh Hartnett?

A: I am NOT Josh Hartnett. I am not his agency, his fan club or his official website. Please don't send me emails to Josh.

Q: Is the address on this page his real address?

A: I am not positive. All I know is that it's not his home address, as many people think. It is (supposedly) his agency. I am not sure how valid it is.

Q: Can you email me news and pictures of Josh as much as you can?


A: I don't want to sound rude, but it is really frustarating when I get asked this question. I do not have the time, patience or energy to constantly update individuals on Josh Hartnett and send them pics. I try to update the website at least two or three times a month. That is where you can get your pictures and news.

Q: Can I copy pictures and copy pages from your website?

A: Feel free to copy my pictures onto your website. I think it's great for Josh webmasters to share and trade pictures. How else would you get them? However, please don't put the graphic on the main page on your website. It was personalized for this website, and is copyrighted.

Also, do not copy text pages directly onto your website (such as the quotes page) with out consulting me. I personally copy those quotes, info and news from magazines, newspapers, etc. So it'd be cool if you could ask first. Thanks!

Q: Why isn't there a gallery on this website?

A: The reason there isn't a gallery is because this website is hosted by a free server. I can only use a certain about of space, and if I had a gallery, I wouldn't be able to add new things to the page because all the space would be taken up! Make sense? Good. I do try to put a pic of Josh on each of the pages, so there are still pictures.
