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Courtney's Hip Hoppin Page!

The best thing since sliced bread!(since 2001)

Hello there my hip homey friends! In some crazy chain of events, you, my new homey, have stumbled upon my humble, but ever so hip hopping webpage! Lucky you! I already hear you asking: "What will this alleged 'hip hoppin' page have to offer me?" And to that question I present you this list:
  • Infro-mation about my favorite bands
  • Tales of my concert going experiences
  • For the poll lovers, I shall have polls galore!
  • Quotes and random thoughts that I think you might benefit from
  • Linkages to my favorite sites
So that concludes the list, I hope you found it to be informative as well as enlightening... it also hopefully gave you an idea of how hip hopping this site will eventually be. In that sentence 'eventually' is the key word because who knows when I will fulfill all these website ideals. I am just a mere web politician trying to get you to stay with my page just so that my lame visitor counter is more busy... So enough of this introduction tomfoolery! Lets get on with the site!

What's up with Courtney anyways?

Get lost in the music
Click on a picture below to be transported to a band page that I have created for your viewing pleasure

The Jess and Courtionary!
Catch up on all the hip words overused by Courtney and Jesimiska!

Frequently asked questions