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Newsletter 24

Everclear 2 Everyone

Newsletter #24

March 3rd , 2002

Everclear2Everyone Members,

Hey guys! Long time since I've sent one of these out. But there's some good info in this one~

Everclear2Everyone Updates:

Check out the link to Art's Solo Tour


:::drum roll::: A long awaited tour by Art Alexakis is on the way! It will be Art's first solo tour, starting on March 21st, and ending on April 9th. He will play of total of 15 shows, so if you're lucky enough to live near one of the venues, go see him! And if you don't live in the same city, beg your parents to drive you there! Tell them that Melissa's dad drove her 8 hours to see everclear, and 4 hours another time! :-) Hopefully that will help you guys out~ Here's the schedule with a list of the date, city, and venue:

date city event/location/notes

*3/21/02 Detroit, MI St. Andrews Hall

*3/23/02 Mt. Vernon, IA. Orange Carpet/Cornell College

*3/25/02 Boca Raton, FL. Florida Atlantic University

*3/26/02 Deland, FL. Taylor Auditorium

*3/27/02 Joplin, MO. St. Andrews Hall

*3/28/02 St. Louis, MO. The Gargoyle/Washington University

*3/29/02 Urbana, IL. University of Illinois

*3/30/02 Boston, MA. Paradise

*4/01/02 New York, NY. Supper Club

*4/02/02 Chicago, IL. House of Blues

*4/03/02 San Francisco, CA. Bottom of the Hill

*4/04/02 Los Angeles, CA. The Knitting Factory

*4/05/02 Moscow, ID. University of Idaho

*4/07/02 Seattle, WA. Crocodile Cafe

*4/09/02 Portland, OR. Aladdin Theater

If any of you guys go see any of these shows, tell me! And email me after you see it and let me know how it was~ Okay? Thanks...


If you have an idea for my site, please tell me. And if there is something I do not already have on my site and you would like to see it up there, let me know.


**See above for information on Art's solo tour


I found this article a while ago, so I don't remember exactly what it's about, but I remember liking it a lot- so check it out: Article


**See above for information on Art's solo tour


Including anything you want such as comments about this site, links to other everclear related things, poems or songs about the guys, letters to the guys, pictures, drawings, etc... that you'd like to share with the rest of the group. With one exception, please make sure it's somehow everclear related:)

FAN OBSESSION: Theres' a little something that I wrote about a week or so ago, it's at the bottom...

~use your head~

The quote of the week is for you to think about, look to the quote, refer back to the song it came from, and find some inspiration! I just want to be able to brighten your day with a little everclear! ------->


"We can get lost in the fall, glimmer, sparkle and fade..."



An Everclear fan for life,


This was actually a reply to an email I recieved form another everclear fan, the email touched me deeply, and this is what I had to say in response to it:

Your email was incredibly touching. I don't know how many things on my site you have read, but most of them say the same things you have written. I feel the same way. About crying to their songs, I've done it... many times. It's truly amazing how a song can affect someone's life so deeply. Everclear's music had been the greatest healer in my life. Without their music, I know I would be lost. I wouldn't be able to cope with anything. Their music helps me deal with all the bad things in my life. And with the good. Either way, whenever I feel like I need someone to tell me everything's going to be okay, I listen to Everclear. Their music is so comforting, it's a security.

<<"It seemed like everyday some other song was touching me in a new and powerful way. I knew then that they were my favorite band.">>

I don't know how many times I have said this before, but you practiacally stole the words right out of my mouth. Every single time I listen to Everclear, I find something new- an enlightenment, a sense of safety, almost like Everclear was speaking to me through their songs. Which, in my beliefs, is exactly what they are doing. They are speaking through music, and music is the most beautiful languagae in the world.

Don't apologize about the really long email, I am known for doing that too, in fact- this will be one of them. But you know what, these kind of emails are the best. I love hearing about other Everclear fans esxperiences at shows and how they feel about Everclear's songs. It's so awesome to know, that so many people are relying on the same band to get them through life. Your email almost made me cry, as silly as it sounds. When I get emails like this, I just want to cry and thank Everclear for their music. All these people, where would we be without them?

I can't even remember a time when I didn' love Everclear. Even when I was young, and didn't really know what music was. I was like 10 years old- and I had 2 cds. I had Dizzy Up The Girl by Goo Goo Dolls, and So Much For The Afteglow- of course, by Everclear.

I was little and I hadn't gotten to the point where I needed music in my life. But I knew enough to know that Father Of Mine had impacted me greatly. I hadn't known about SAF or WON, so I just had the one cd. As the years went by, and the more I bought cds- I still listened to So Much For The Afterglow the most. I still loved that cd. When Wonderful hit the airwaves back in 2000, I almost died. Not literally, but because that song affected me to no end. I can still remember the first day I heard it, on my little alarm clock radio, I was doing homework or something and when the song came on I listened to the words. Tears starting streaming down my face. I couldn't help it. I felt, that the song was about me. Divorce. I hate divorce. My parents are divorced, they have been now for almost 7 years. So you could imagine how I felt.

And from that day my life had changed dramatically. I ran out and bought Learning How To Smile that next day. And when Good Time For A Bad Attitude came out, I bought that. I borrowed World Of Noise on tape from one of the employees who used to work at my grandparents' shop. And I bought Sparkle and Fade. In about a week, Everclear was going to be playing at the Warfield in San Francisco. I live in So Cal, but I wanted to go sooo bad. My dad knew how much I wanted to go, so we drove 8 hours to see them. After that concert I went on a mad search for my own copy, on cd, of World of Noise. My collection was complete, and I was officially obsessed. I haven't slowed down ever since, and I still tell people that Everclear will always be my favorite band, no matter how old I am. And nothing will stop me from listening to them. And I know, that no band will ever touch me in the way that Everclear has.

And the way they continue to, everyday of my life.

I went and saw them open for MB20 in March 2001, and then saw them twice, one in June and one in July. I got onstage for the first time at the concert in June. We drove to las Vegas to see that one. I was in a trance for a week after that, and I still couldn't get over what had happened, even 2 weeks after the show. I actually got up the nerve to kiss Art on the cheek. I made a shirt that said everclear dancer, and he told me how that that rocked. I shook his hand and walked off stage the happiest I had ever been in my whole life.

At the concert in July, I got onstage and got to sing with Art on the mic. He gave me his pick that he used while he had played Rock Star, I got a drum stick from greg. And after the show I got to meet them, talk to them, and take pics. I daydreamed about that night for soooo long. I used to think about it everyday. In fact, I sometimes still do. And everytime I hear Rock Star, I think about it. Sometimes I remember how happy I was, and cry. So, in short, I have seen Everclear 4 times too. And it is obvious, that their music has affected my life like nothing else has before.

They are truly amazing at what they do.