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Newsletter 18

Everclear 2 Everyone

Newsletter #18

December 14th, 2001

Everclear2Everyone Members,

Hey everyone~ this week I've got the jeopardy game up and all ready to go! So if you haven't played it yet, make sure you do... then tell me what you think. I also went and saw Robbie last night, which I will be writing an article on this weekend and putting on my site. So check back tomorrow if you want to read it!

Everclear2Everyone Updates:

12/8 Guess what you guys!? I finished the Everclear Jeopardy Game!! You've got to play it, it's a lot of fun and it took me a long time to do :) lol So see how much you know and have fun~

12/7 I archived the newsletter. I will also be working on the jeopardy game this weekend;)

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 12/14 The chat is tomorrow night on Dec. 15th @7pm... hope you plan on joining us.


If you have an idea for my site, please tell me. And if there is something I do not already have on my site and you would like to see it up there, let me know.


I'm kind of just throwing this idea out there because there are no concert dates right now. I wanted to do something fun with this section because I know I am soooo wanting to go to another ec concert, and I'm sure you all are too. I don't know if this is going to work because you guys honestly don't write back to things when I ask you to do stuff, but I'm going to try anyways. And if I see you online I'll IM you and make you tell me right then and there!! :) haha

So here's the deal: if you could personally pick and choose songs to make up the setlist for a show, what songs would you choose? Now, I figure there's got to be a limit to the number of songs you choose, because they normally don't do more than 25 or so. So make you very own setlist that has no more than 25 songs, you can arrange them any way you like and even choose the encore songs! lol It should be fun if you guys do it, so I am really hoping to see emails from you guys this week! And to encourage you all to do this, I am going to be writing a setlist too, which I will post in next week's newsletter as well as any others I receive. And I was curious, what exactly do I have to do to get you guys to do these things for me? Is there something you guys want or something I could attempt to do for you to get you to help me out on this! lol :) Let me know... thanks and I'll hopefully be hearing from ya soon~


This is a cool ec interview, so check it: Interview


Art was on the Tom Leykis show today!! Anyone listen to it??

-I was just curious, I sent out this newsletter before the show, but I knew it was on. That's why I was wondering if anyone was going to listen to it... and now I am really really curious because I listened to it and I tried my luck in calling in. I dialed a bunch of times and it was busy- I thought I would never get through. But, I did! and the guy asked me why I was calling, I told him to talk to Art. And he said, well why should I let you talk to him... I told him because Art has changed my life dramatically and I love his music. So, he let me thorugh and I got to tlak to Art on the air!!!! I sounded very different on the radio, and I could have said more- but it was awesome and I was wondering if anyone actually heard it? lol Anyways, it was fun:) and I just wanted to let you guys know what happened. and thanks to Amy cuz she was the one who let me know about the show!


Including anything you want such as comments about this site, links to other everclear related things, poems or songs about the guys, letters to the guys, pictures, drawings, etc... that you'd like to share with the rest of the group. With one exception, please make sure it's somehow everclear related:)


Sorry guys- I didn't have time to write anything today so I'll make up for it next week:)

~use your head~

The quote of the week is for you to think about, look to the quote, refer back to the song it came from, and find some inspiration! I just want to be able to brighten your day with a little everclear! ------->


"There is this dream that I used to have. My dream swallowed me whole."

-Queen of The Air


An Everclear fan for life,
