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Ohio Concert Review 2001

I went to an Everclear concert October 6th at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. They played at the Anderson Arena. It was awesome! Anderson Arena was like the size of my high school gym, so they were right in front of us. They started off with So Much for the Afterglow & ended with Rock Star. It was really cool when they pulled people up on stage during Rock Star.

Here’s List of Songs that they played (Not in Order):

So Much for the Afterglow


Songs From an American Movie Vol. 1 & 2.

Everything to Everyone


Fire Maple Song

Heroine Girl

YouMake Me Feel Like A Whore

Santa Monica


Father of Mine


El Distorto de Melodica

AM Radio

When It All Goes Wrong Again


It was a great show and if Everclear is anywhere near you, go see them! It’s worth it!!!

Written by-

Everclear Fan Ryan