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"That which has been believed by everyone, always and everywhere,
has every chance of being false." -Paul Valery

"The facts, if they are there, speak for themselves." -David Seabury

"Truth, when not sought after, rarely comes to light." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Learn to see things as they really are, not as we imagine they are." -Vernon Howard

"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." -Henri L. Bergson

"How a minority, reaching majority, seizing authority, hates a minority!" -Leonard H. Robbins

"A nation is the same people living in the same place." -James Joyce

"It is theory that decides what can be observed." -Albert Einstein

"To understand is to perceive patterns." -Sir Isaiah Berlin

"Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding,
disbelief or ignorance." -W. Clement Stone

"No matter what you believe, it doesn't change the facts." -Al Kersha

"See it like it is!" -Herb Cohen

"Nature has no principles. She makes no distinction between good and evil." -Anatole France

"Nature is not human hearted." -Lao-Tzu BC 600