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Sinful Barbie


The Guardian Angel of Fire and Passion

There was an angel at my door,
From where he came I am not sure!
Yet he was there surely awaiting just for me to call,
To carry me within his arms so very safe from all!

Watching over me he saw that I was safe,
He whispered silently to me that I was in his grace!
All the problems and the tests of life that came,
He would give me the courage, the faith to claim!

Sometimes a guardian angel is someone that we know,
Perhaps a friend we meet along the way who simply allows us to grow!
Or yet indeed it could be one who silently listens to our pleas,
Embracing all that we shall share as though these were a part of he!

I cannot say for certainty that I know that mine exists,
But if I cannot see him here does it mean I am not on his list!
I am happy just to think that he is there,
Awaiting beside me for my call to be blessed with his care!

All I ask is so simple don't you realize,
Is it to much to hope and dream upon the skys!
My guardian angel he is one who stands so stong and firm,
Guiding me along this path so that I might learn!

I do believe my Shugotenshi is holding onto my hand,
Taking and preparing me for a lifetime so grand!
Thank you my guardian angel, thank you from my heart,
I know that someday you will guide me again...never to part!

These words are meant for someone dear,
A special guy who is a friend and wipes away my tears!

I am not alone in how I feel, there are others don't you know,

Those are the ones who really understand him so!

All that I can do is say a simple pray,
That perhaps someday our paths will cross and we than shall share!
But yet why he came to me I simply am not so sure!

Thank you my Shugotenshi...thank you from away so far,
I send this wish from me to the guardian that you are!
I will always feel as though I have been blessed,
That I have been granted an angel who simply is the best!

Thank you Ryoke!


Why did you leave me I am so sad,
All I wished for I didn't realize I had!
But now I am empty and cannot find,
That love I felt from you so kind!

I dreamed of you last night you see,
I simply wished that we once more could be!
Oh please I beg of you this day,
Please be safe and with me stay!

I love you my angel, don't you know...
How very deep inside me this love doth grow!
I am so sorry...I wish I could take it back,
Its just that I wanted you not to lack!

Oh please my dearest come back to me,
I want your words your thoughts to see!
Be safe within my heart,
Oh I promise I will try and do my part!

I love you my dearest...I trully do I just want to say,
I love you this day Its my hope and prayer!
If you leave me I will die inside,
It's all for you and I simply will never hide!

Thank you for loving me you see I care,
I hope its a lifetime that we perhaps may share!
Do not not not part,
I am sad, so very sad within my heart!


And so it comes just as it is, A day, a longer here. And through my trembling fingertips, The memories that I hold dear.

I wave goodbye to all our dreams, I will forget you never. I wonder if our crazy times, Will stay with you forever.

But as I cry in the pain of losing, My dear, my love and such good friend. I will not close the book and say, Farewell, This is the end.

For good-bye's create swift hello's, And days from now you'll see. That though it hurts to say goodbye, You are in my heart... and will always be.


Do you remember your first e-mail to me...I do. It was funny because we nearly didn't connect. But I think it was fate that made that happen. It was almost as if a whole new world was being given to in which I knew love, true love could be mine. I don't know why I got jealous and acted so dumb. Maybe it was becasue I was so deeply wraped in your existance. Your times and your friends that I felt I belonged. Funny I just knew that I did and it never entered my thoughts that I did not, I know that I hurt you deeply...but it was something inside of me that I had not felt for so long...passion. Crazy I know...Me who can write with such passion had discovered her own at last. I want you to know that I gave you my love openly and honestly. I didn't hide it away or reserve it for another time. I gave it immediately because inside I felt as if it was the right thing to do. We have talked I know...I understand now. I wish you so much Ryoke so very much in your life. A time that you will look back at one moment and think of me. I do hope with understanding and love. I think you deserve everything that is the best this world can offer...I hope you find your happiness. Take care my dearest Justin, my guardian angel. I love you, I did from the first moment we talked . Goodbye.......Brandie
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