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Civil Preparedness &
Emergency Response Links


U.S. Metropolitan Area Emergency
Preparedness E-Mail Groups

(On The Same Page)

The Old Scouts'
On-Line Shopping Mall

America's Best Source for
Essential Equipment and Supplies *

* (Note:  Contents may take  
   a few moments to load.)  


Department of Homeland Security

"Be Ready" Preparedness Site -- Department of Homeland Security

Homeland Security State Contact List

Homeland Security Institute

Citizen Corps for Homeland Security

Community Emergency Response Teams

Employment Opportunities -- Homeland Readiness and Security

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Alphabetical Index of FEMA Web Site

FEMA Publications

Emergency Management Institute -- Training and Education

FEMA Regional and Area Offices

State Emergency Management Directors & Offices

Telephone Numbers -- Toll Free

"Are You Ready?" -- A Guide to Citizen Preparedness

Prepare for Hazards

Terrorism Information

Protect Your Family and Property

Saferoom Design

Prevent Disaster Losses

Urban Search and Rescue

Disaster Assistance

Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning

Best Practices in Emergency Management

American Red Cross

American Red Cross State & Local Chapters

A.  Preparing and Getting Trained
Get Trained

Prepare Your Home and Family

Prepare Your Workplace and Employees

Prepare Your School and Students

Preparedness Fast Facts -- Emergency-Specific Preparedness Information

Shop Our Store
B.  Getting Assistance
Contacting Family Members

Find Shelter and Supplies

Recover after a Disaster

Red Cross Services to Military Families

Additional Sites of Significant Value

Disaster Center

Disaster Center's State Pages and Message Boards

Homeland Security Knowledge Base

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Response Association's Links

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)

Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)

Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Links

San Francisco's Neighborhood Emergency Response Teams

Automotive Emergency Preparedness Equipment Checklist

Urban Office Worker's File Drawer Civil Emergency Preparedness Kit

Old Scouts' Wilderness Skills & Outdoor Adventure Links

Water Purification and Supplies for Outdoor Adventure
and Emergency Preparedness


Katrina, Rita,
& Wilma

Gulf Coast
Disaster Response and
Recovery Links

Tsunami and
Earthquake Relief

Key Agencies Conducting
Tsunami and Earthquake
Recovery Efforts


Return to:  The Gulf Coast Disaster Response and
Recovery Links Page

Return to:  The "Civic Action for Your Turf" (CA4YT)
Civil Preparedness & Emergency Response Forum

Return to:  Major Metropolitan Area Emergency Preparedness
E-Mail Groups

Return to:  The Civic Action Free University

Return to:  "Universal Civic Action Network"
(U-CAN) E-Mail Correspondence List

E-Mail the Facilitator

Always Prepared -- Join the Old Scouts !!

E-Mail Group                 Association                 Library
