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Headquarters Of.......

The 352.Infantriedivision was formed in November 1943 as part of the Wehrkreis XI (military district 11), headquartered in the city of Hanover. It was comprised of the survivors of the 268th, 321st and 546th Grenadier Regiment. Erwin "The Desert Fox" Rommel placed the 352nd Infantriedivision at Omaha for a counter attack training exercise. Instead of facing a typical Fortress Batallion, made up of second rate troops, the Allies faced an entire Infantry Division! The 352.

Rules of Engagement

  1. Do Not spawn camp! i.e. Do Not aim weapon directly at enemy spawn area (except the landing craft if you're on the cliffs or in pillbox). Do Not wait near enemy spawn area to kill them on entry. Also, Do Not go below lower seawall on Omaha beach map! We are there primarily to deffend not attack. (we all know accidents happen, just never do any of this on purpose).

  2. Always play on same team as clan unless the game is ridiculously uneven or it has been decided unanimously amongst the players not to.

  3. Try not to go A.W.O.L. while team is trying to deffend objectives i.e. center pill area on Omaha/wooden bridge on Hedgerows. Certain classes are exempt for obvious reasons i.e. Airborn and in some cases sniper to get a better position. Try to stick together!

  4. Don't kill teamates on purpose.

  5. If you see a member breaking standard D-DAY etiquet feel free to shoot them on site or E-MAIL me situation or demo and I will remove them.


D-DAY Normandy Official site

D-DAY Resource Depot
352nd Messege Board (courtesy of Wheaty and DRD)

Email me