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In times of trouble

When worries seem large

It’s hard to remember

To be thankful for

The many blessings

We really have

All of our woes

Seem to be calling

Crushing our will to go on

We tend to focus on

What will I do

And how will I cope

In all of our frenzy

We tend to lose hope

All the good in our lives

Becomes lost in the mire

But pause just a moment

And look all around

Have you a home

And a family close by

Do you have clothes on your back

And food on your plate

Can you walk around the corner

Say hello to a friend

Look around and see

God’s glory abounds

Into His hands

Put your cares and your woes

Be thankful for the pleasures

Both the big and the small

God sends your way

Put a smile on your face

And a vow in your heart

To find something each day

To thank our God for!

By: Ann Martin

November 17, 2001

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