Remember those kindhearted Serendipity Book characters of long ago that we all use to read about?
Now you can take them home.. to your webpage:)
This page was last updated on 8\6\02
Thank you so much to the adopters so far,
to any who will be adopting, and to
the many people who called my site CUTE so far:)!
You guys are the ones who keep me going ^.^V!
Adoption Form
your name (or nickname) :
Which pet(s) did you adopt?:
url of your homepage :
Email address :
Why did you adopt the one(s) you did?:
What is your fav. Serendipity book?(if any):
Did you link back to my page? :
Proud Adopters so far...
Tabby's Page of Miscellaneous Oddities
Cre'tin'kel Falls
Patroness Of Magyck
Welicome to Luna!
The Rainbow's End!
Beyond The Rainbow
Lair of The Dragoner's Apprentice
Rainbow Light Castle
Amy's page
Merry Treat's Room
The Hobbit Hole
ADHD Family
AngelValley Belgium
Rosie Real