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Name Effect of Card Kind Rarity Rating Casting Cost Expantions
Acidic Daggar 4,T: Destroy a non-wall creature reciving combat damage from target creature. If target creature leaves play, bury Daggar. ART R ** 4 MG
Adarkar Sentenial 1: +0/+1 until end of turn. 3/3. AC U *** 5 IA
Aegis of the Meek 1,T: Give a 1/1 creature +1/+2 until end of turn. ART R *** 3 IA
Aeolipile 1,T, Sacrifice: Deal 2 damage to any target. ART R *** 2 FE
Aesthir Glider Flying. Cannot be assigned to block. 2/1. AC C ** 3 AI
Al-abara's Carpet 1,T: Prevent all damage to you from attacking, non-flying creatures. ART R *** 5 LG
Aladin's Lamp X,T: Instead of drawing a card, look at the top X cards of your library and chose one to put in your hand. Shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your library. ART R ** 10 AN,R,4th
Aladin's Ring 8,T: Do 4 damage to any target. ART R ** 8 AN,R,4th,5th,6th
Alchor's Tomb 2,T: Change the color of target permanent you control. ART R ** 4 LG
Altar of Dementia Sacrifice a creature: Target player puts a number of cards equal to that creature's power into his graveyard. ART R ** 2 TM
Amber Prison You may leave prison tapped. 4,T: Tap target artifact, crature, or land. As long a prison is tapped, target does not untap. ART R *** 4 MG,6th
Amulet of Kroog 2,T: Prevent 1 damage to any target. ART C ** 2 AQ,4th,5th
Amulet of Quoz 1,T, Sacrifice: Flip a coin. If you win the flip, target opponent loses the game. Otherwise, you lose the game. Use only during your upkeep. Opponent may ante another card to counter this effect. ART R * 6 IA
Amulet of Unmaking 5,T, Remove from the game: Remove target artifact, creature, or land from the game. Play as a sorcery. ART R ** 5 MG
Angel's Trumpet Attacking doesn't cause creatures to tap. At the end of each player's turn, tap all untapped creatures he controls that didn't attack. Trumpet deals 1 damage to that player for each creature tapped in this way. ART U *** 3 UL
Ankh of Mishra Whenever a player plays a land, Ankh deals 2 damage to that player. ART R *** 2 Basic
Anvil of Bogarden Each player skips his discard phase. During each player's draw phase, that player draws an additional card, then discards a card. ART R ** 2 VS
Apocalipse Chime 2,T: Bury all Homelands cards. ART R * 2/td> HL
Arcum's Sleigh 2,T: Target attacking creature does not tap. You may only use this ability if defending player controls any snow-covered lands. Gee, because so many people use snow-covered lands. ART U * 1 IA
Arcum's Weathervane 2,T: Target snow-covered land becomes non-snow-covered. 2,T: Target non-snow-covered land becomes snow covered. ART U * 2 IA
Arcum's Whistle 3,T: If target non-wall creature does not attack this turn it is destroyed at end of turn. The creature's controler may counter this effect by paying X, where X is the creature's casting cost. Play only during opponent's turn. ART U ** 3 IA
Arena of the Ancients Tap all Legends. Legends do not untap as normal during untap. ART R ** 3 LG,CH
Armageddon Clock Add a counter during your upkeep. At the end of your upkeep, do 1 damage to each player for each counter on clock. any player may play 4 during any upkeep to remove a counter. ART U ** 6 AQ,R,4th
Ashnod's Altar 0, Sacrifice a creature: Add 2 to your mana pool. ART U ** 3 AQ,CH,5th,6th
Ashnod's Battle Gear 2,T: Target creature you control gets +2/-2 as long as Battle Gear remains tapped. You may leave Battle Gear tapped. ART U ** 2 AQ,4th
Ashnod's Cylix 3,T: Target player looks at the top three cards of his library and puts one on top. Remove the others from the game. ART R ** 2 AI
Ashnod's Transmorgant T, Sacrifice: Target non-artifact creature becomes an artifact creature and gains +1/+1. ART C *** 1 AQ,CH,5th
Assembly Hall 4,T: Reveal a creature card in your hand, search your library for a copy of that card, and put it into your hand. ART R ** 5 MM
Astrolabe 1,T, Sacrifice: Add two mana of any color to your mana pool. Cantrip. ART C *** 3 AI
Balm of Restoration 1,T, Sacrifice: Gain 2 life or prevent 2 damage to any target. ART R * 2 FE
Barbed Sextant 1,T, Sacrifice: Add 1 mana of any color to your mana pool. Cantrip. ART C *** 1 IA,5th
Barbed Wire At the beginning of each player's upkeep, Barbed Wire deals 1 damage to that player. 2: Prevent the next 1 damage that would be delt by Barbed Wire this turn. ART U ** 3 MM
Barganing Tables X,T: Draw a card. X is the number of cards in opponent's hand. ART R *** 5 MM
Barl's Cage 3: Targeet creature dosen't untap during its controler's next untap phase. ART R *** 4 DK,CH,5th
Barrin's Codex During your upkeep you may put a counter on Codex. 4,T, Sacrifice: Draw X cards, where X is the number of counters on Codex. ART R *** 4 UZ
Basalt Golem Cannot be blocked by arfifact creatures. At end of turn destroy all creatures blocking Golem and put that many 0/2 artifact creature walls into play. 2/4. AC U *** 5 MG
Basalt Monolith T: Add 3 to your mana pool. Can only be untaped by spending 3. ART U *** 3 L,U,R
Baton of Morale 2: Target creature gains banding until end of turn. ART U ** 2 IA
Battering Ram Bands when attacking. At the end of combat, all walls blocking Ram are destroyed. But who the hell plays with walls anymore? AC C * 2 AQ,4th,5th
Beast of Burden Power and toughness are equal to the number of creatures in play. */*. AC R *** 6 UL
Belbe's Armor X,T: Target creature gets -X/+X until end of turn. ART U *** 3 NE
Belbe's Portal As Portal comes into play, choose a creature type. 3,T: Put a creature of the chosen type from your hand into play. ART R *** 5 NE
Black Lotus T,Sacrifice: Add 3 mana of any one color to your mana pool. ART R ***** 0 L,U
Black Mana Battery 2,T: Put a counter on Battery. T: Add Bk to your mana pool and an additional Bk for each counter you remove. ART R *** 4 LG,4th
Black Vice At the end of his upkeep, target opponent takes 1 damage for each card in his hand over four. ART U ***** 1 L,U,R,4th
Blue Mana Battery 2,T: Put a counter on Battery. T: Add B to your mana pool and an additional B for each counter you remove. ART R *** 4 LG,4th
Bone Flute 2,T: Give all creatures -1/-0 until end of turn. ART U * 3 DK
Bone Mask 2,T: Prevent all damage to you from one source. For each prevented damage, remove the top card of your library from the game. ART R ** 4 MG
Booby Trap When Trap comes into play, name any card other than a basic land. When target opponent draws a card, he reveals that card to all players. If any of those cards is the named card, sacrifice Trap and it deals 10 damage to that player. ART R *** 6 TM
Book of Rass 2,Pay 2 life: Draw a card. ART R ** 6 DK,CH
Bösium Strip 2,T: Until end of turn, if at any time is the top card of your graveyard is an instant or sorcery, you may play if as if it were in your hand. If you do, remove it from the game. ART R **** 3 WL
Bottle Gnomes Sacrifice Bottle Gnomes: Gain 3 life. 1/3. AC U **** 3 TM
Bottle of Suleiman 1,T, Sacrifice: Flip a coin. If opponent wins, you take 5 damage. Otherwise, you get a 5/5 artifact creature Djinn token with flying. ART R *** 4 AN,R,4th,5th,6th
Braidwood Cup T: You gain 1 life. ART U *** 3 UD
Braidwood Sextant 2,T, Sacrifice: Search your library for a basic land, reveal that card, and put it in your hand. ART U * 1 UD
Brass Man 1: Untap Brass Man. Use only during your upkeep. 1/3. AC U ** 1 AN,R,4th
Brass Secratary 2, Sacrifice: Draw a card. 2/1. AC U ** 3 UD
Brass-Talon Chimera First Strike. Sacrifice: Put a +2/+2 counter on target Chimera and give it first strike permanently. 2/2. AC U *** 4 VS
Bronze Horse Trample. If you control an additional creature, all damage done to Horse by spells targeting it is reduced to zero. 4/4. AC R ** 7 LG,CH
Bronze Tablet 4,T: Remove target permananent opponent controls and Tablet from the game. You now own target card and opponent owns Tablet. Opponent may counter this effect by paying 10 life. Tablet comes into play tapped. ART R ** 6 AQ,4th
Bubble Matrix All damage delt to creatures is reduced to 0. ART R *** 3 WL
Bullwhip 2,T: Deals 1 damage to target creature. That creature attacks this turn if able. ART U *** 4 SH