True Prophet Or False Prophet ?

By Sunny

How can you protect your self in these last days from deceiving, seducing spirits?

You must be 100% sold out to Jesus. Walking in the light you do have, faithful to obey, quick to repent, Taking every thought captive. Casting down the vain and evil Imagnation. Praying in the Spirit. Seeking God. Knocking. And Staying in the Word. Staying out of strife, Walking the love walk, Quick to forgive!

You can follow no one. You must Follow Jesus. Jesus alone. Not me. Not the Pastor. Not your best Bud. Not your Honey. Not Signs or wonders. Not Dreams. Not Visions. Not Prophets. Just Jesus. Keep your eyes on Him. Keep your ears tuned to Him. Keep listening for His Voice. The Holy Spirit is your teacher.

Leaning on anyhing other than Jesus alone, is dangerous. It can quickly become Idolitry. That is Carnel. it is sin. Sin leads to death.

I am cutting this to the bare bone. To black and white. But it is True. You Have nothing to fear if your heart belongs to Jesus. And you are sold out to Him.

When the Lord called me by His Holy Spirit. One of His first lessons for me was this; "Listen for my voice when you attend a church meeting." "Hear nothing else but my voice, Set your heart to hear me alone." "The Holy Spirit will quicken that which is of me, and He will winnow. The wheat you will harvest, Let the chaff be winnowed away by my Spirit."

And so The Lord began to teach me, to discern His Voice. To receive only that which was anointed by His Spirit. To Follow only His guidance. I wish I could say did so without failure. Sorry, I can not, I miss it many, times.

But because my heart was His, And after my broken and contrite heart repented. He faithfully would restore me. And we would start agin.

Many of the rungs in my ladder, are made from failure. But I learn a lesson and climb a little higher. Some of the rungs are made from victorys! Whatever the rung is made of, failure or victory Step up. Keep climbing.

The Holy Spirit works with the word. You must read the word. The understanding will come. If you are seeking with a right and pure heart.

The word is the devils nightmare. Because it is God's Sword. The weapon of our warfare.


The present day Prophet, can bring forth NOTHING new, He speaks only what is already written in the Word. As The Holy Spirit Reveals it To Him. Everything we need has already been written.

It now needs to be Revealed. Only the Author of that Holy word can reveal it.

This is why there is so much confusion, And legalism, and fear, in the churchs of today. And this is why we must discern the Lords Voice. For the rightly divided word to be revealed.

The Anointing. The anointing is the Holy Spirit. If you can not discern Him, how can you follow him? You must ask, Jesus to fill you with His Holy spirit.

He will not enter a unrepentant heart. True repentance of all Sin must come first. A broken and contrite heart, He will not dispise.

If we ask for bread, He will not give us a stone. This means if you ask, Jesus for the Holy Spirit. He will not give you what is false.

There is a study in that word, stone. One is Jesus, one is satan. Jesus is our Rock. there is a false rock.

Jesus said, Follow me. He will lead you to the spout, where the Glory pours out! And that Glory is His Holy Spirit.

The yoke is broken by the anointing. If He does not anoint what I do. It is not His. What He Calls you to do. He will anoint.

Apart from Him we can do nothing. We are commanded to be filled with His Spirit. Ten Virgins, five wise, five foolish.

By pratice we learn to discern His voice. And He will always confirm it to you. in the mouth of two or three wittnesses. It is His Promise to us, to confirm what we do is of Him.

If you are young in the Lord, dont fear. He will not ask of you what you are not yet able to do You walk in obedence to what you do know. He will lead , you will follow. We can set the table. If we arent old enought to Cook the Meal. He knows right where you are. He wont ask what your not able to do. You just trust Him and make your self available. He Loves His Children.


Who are the Present day Prophets ?

The Present day Prophet is the Bride.
The Wall.
A David.
A Trumpet
. There are thoulands of silver trumpets,
You can call them,
The Eljiah Prophets
The Elect.
to name a few !
Perhaps You !
God Bless you.

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