Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. We are to be led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will never lead you contrary to the written word. Never! The Holy Spirit and the word work together. We need both the Word and the Spirit. Lacking either, We are going to miss the mark! The Holy Spirit will never lead you contrary to the written word. But he will lead you contrary to your interpretation of His word, when it is contrary to His!! Have you experenced that yet? It happens, as we learn, and we grow, in His Grace. The Church has been not taught all Gods word correctly. And The Teacher, the Holy Spirit, Is willing to lead us into understanding His word.
We can balk, set our heels in, We will find Him leading us to do something contrary to what we have been taught by man! But It will never be contrary to the the rightly divided word!! Never. Only to our own interpretation! Listen to that still small voice inside that keep nuging you. Father's desire is to teach us, if we are willing to seek. And if we are willing to let go preconcived ideas, false teachings, and traditions of men, He will! Pride will hinder you, a humble heart will hear.
Luke 4:1
Matthew 7:7
With so many voices each telling us this is the way, dont you think it time to come to the true teacher, The Holy Spirit?
How are we to know for sure it is Him who is leading?
Luke 1:44
John 10:27 We all come short, we all miss the mark. He will never miss the mark. Lets follow Him today! Let go of self, and let Christ Live in you. Only He knows the way. He in us,alive in us, He knows the path! We need to step down again and again, from His throne, And let Him reign as King again, in our heart.
Galatians 2:20