Shake Well Before Using
Al Thomas Sep 25, 2003
The Coming Move of God
A Prophetic Word by Al Thomas

Email: celebratinghislife@juno.com Web: www.celebratinghislife.org FOR MANY WEEKS, I HAD BEEN OVERWHELMED WITH A BURDEN FOR AMERICA...THEN GOD SPOKE CLEARLY:

I was awakened in the night by a sound of glass breaking. I quickly got up and ran into the kitchen, but found nothing. I looked around the house and saw nothing out of order...all was quiet. Suddenly I felt an overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. I looked up and saw a vision of the Father picking up this country. As He did, the continental USA land turned into a bottle. He shook it violently! After shaking the bottle, He poured out the contents on America. The bottle (now empty) turned back into America and the poured contents glistened and glowed as it covered the entire nation. His glory radiated over all the land.

The vision changed. Now I saw many individuals turn into bottles. On each bottle was a label. Stamped on the label was: 'SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING' The Holy Spirit showed me that some who are too settled in their own little world and too routine-ized...are about to be shaken (Hebrews 12:27). Often, we will not change and go higher unless something, or Someone, shakes us. Then I saw some people try to write something on the bottle. One person had actually put one of their arms out of the bottle and tried to write another word on the label. In front of 'SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING' they tried to write 'DON'T'. Today many want instant change without challenge. God is going to shake some believers for long term change. Don't resist God's shaking. Don't mess with the hand that is forming the clay (Jer. 18:1-4). "Woe to him that striveth with his Maker!" says Isaiah 45:9. I saw many finally giving in to God and saying, "OK, OK I give up...shake away, do whatever you want!" A great sigh of relief was heard from heaven.

"GOD," I cried, "WHAT IS THE SHAKING?" The shaking would vary for each He said, but consisted of what the Father called 'The love test'. God was saying, 'I know you love me when I bless you and supply all your needs. But will you still love me, even if I halt the blessings in your life and allow some troubles to touch you?' The big question in the love test is, 'Will we love God in the midst of adversity or will we be offended by Him." God wants to see how many in America will stay true. The scripture came to mind, 'Thou shall love the love thy God with all thy heart, mind, soul & strength..." Jesus did not add a PS to this command: 'Unless things start to go badly'.

As I remembered that I had awakened by the sound of glass breaking, I saw another vision of the Father taking four or five bottles at a time (after they had been vigorously shaken) and throwing them at various cities and towns. A great crash was heard as they burst into little pieces...but the mixture within the bottles was powerful and splashed all over the community...and started a revival such as never seen before. The Father continued to throw the bottles until great flashes of light burst into city after city. Soon, the entire nation glowed with glory. I saw many run into the Kingdom of God, a harvest of millions was taking place. Many who had been sick and diseased for years suddenly got up and ran, shouting with joy and joining the harvest!

The vision was over. First I thanked God greatly...then I burst into a great joyous laughter, shouting, "So be it, most high God!" I slept peacefully that night.

A Prophetic Word by Al Thomas

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