From The Edge - Warning !

Larry W. Taylor August 27, 2003
Hyssop Chronicles

WARNING - Update August
“ The Day of Mars - SIGN “
I was awakened this morning about 9am and was struggling not to get out of bed, as I usually sleep to 11am, due to night shift work. However, I got up and started some coffee then turned on the Fox News channel in time to see the removal of the 10 Commandments Rock from it’s location in Alabama.

As I drank some coffee the Headlines came on again as I was trying to wake up. I again saw the removal of the 10 Commandments Rock and the next news article was a story on how today, August 27th, was the very day that Planet Mars was closest in over a 60,000 year period of time.

All the sudden, I found myself suspended in the air over America and saw a great white wall surrounding the nation. It was a wall of protection around the nation that had been placed there by God. The great white wall had many cracks in it but it was still intact in guarding the nation. All the sudden I saw the wall crumble and fall into nothingness and it was completely gone. The wall had been removed in an instant and was completely gone. No more wall!

In my spirit, I heard a voice say, “ Today this nation has demonstrated it’s will to declare WAR on Me --- the God of the Bible and Author of the Words on the Rock that they chose to remove by force of their new law ---- what’s right in their own eyes! This demonstration by the rulers of America is a direct declaration of “WAR” upon Me and Righteousness.”

Then I heard, “ Therefore, I do remove the Wall of Protection from this nation and it will not be rebuilt.” I felt a great heaviness come upon me but could not pray for the nation as my mind was stayed upon this terrible act of rejection by this nation to the very God who had protected it so well. But no more - the Wall is down now!!!

Then I remembered the date: August 27th, 2003. The very day was here that MARS - “god of War” is closest to the Earth!