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Nick's Page
Of okay goodness.

So why no pictures here?


Okay. I know I said I'd update this page, and I have... Sort of. I've updated the index. That's this page.

Yes, boys and girls... Inspiration has struck me like a big fat man doing a cannonball in a pool filled with jello. Please note that I'm talking about inspiration in the form of what this website should do, not in how to write a decent simile.

Yes. From now on, this waste of bandwidth shall actually not be so much of a waste anymore. Give me 48 hours and I'll have Stuff.

Currently Under Construction

Good Web Sites

The Conversatron was part of the inspiration for the Nickatron.
Want a good laugh? 8-Bit Theater. 'Nuff sed.
TMOL was the rest of it.
The Onion enough said.
My politics forum well, not my forum, but the one I go to.
Utopia is a free on-line game. Need I say more?

Okay, I'm out of time for the moment, I'll be back later today to give this page the general spit and polish.

If you don't have the Deadlands Font, you're missing out on the one frill I have in this site. Hopefully Gerry won't care that I'm using his link.