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p i n k c l o u d s


Hey EvEry1! ThaNks FoR CoMiNg To My PaYgE. ItS KiNdA SuCKy RiTe NoW CuZ Im NoT ExAcTly FiNiSheD YeT..yOu NoE Me!AlWayS WoRkiN On ThiS CuZ iM NeVeR SaTiSfiEd. NewAyS..EnJoy!

september second thousand and TWO~ online in da mornin..bored so i decided to update this..

PiCs PaGe // ReLaTioNshIp QueStiOns// ~ThaNks~// ShOut OutZ FoR ThEe GurLz// All AboUt MeE// ShOut OutS toOh TheE BoiS// TaKe My QuIZ..HoW mUch Do YoOh nOe BoUt MeeH?// sEe My BoOkie//
SiGn My BoOkie

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* say wha?*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

u cant loose wat u never had..


lyrics im feelin rite now..

tell me have u ever been in a situation where the best thin u could do was the hardest thing uve ever done but u try to do whats right.. theres more 2 life than luvin urself u gotta learn 2 luv somebody else...

copyright 2001-2002 otapiocao. all rights reserved. all images are property of unagi produckshunz. any unauthorized usage or jocking of these images are strictly prohibited.
