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The Amateur Radio Purity Test

This is my creation here, inspired by the infamous Purity Test. Somebody told me about that and I laughed at the crazy questions on it, though I was dismayed at the acts described. The goal is to be less "pure"- whether it's sex, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Renaissance Faire, or Ham Radio. So let's see how much you are a Ham!!!

Check all boxes for which your answer is "yes".
The "submit" button is at the bottom.

  1. Have you ever have an Amateur Radio License?
  2. Is it valid?
  3. Did you pass a code test?
  4. Are you still capable of doing Morse Code?
  5. Did you start out at the higher classes instead of the entry level?
  6. ...or at Novice?
  7. ...and received a "W" call sign?
  8. Do you still remember any test material?
  9. Have you ever used the "PIE chart" for Ohm's Law?
  10. Have you ever sought the help of an Elmer/Elmira?
  11. Have you ever assembled an oscillator for code or some other doohickey?
  12. ...and it worked?
  13. Have you ever built an antenna?
  14. Have you climbed up a tower?
  15. the last month?
  16. the last week?
  17. ...when you didn't have to?
  18. Have you ever Elmered someone else?
  19. Have you ever done your studying on a Friday night?
  20. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter the night before the exam?
  21. Have you ever listened to code tapes?
  22. ...while doing chores?
  23. your sleep?
  24. Have you made your first contact on a repeater?
  25. Have you ever had an argument with a OM on it?
  26. Did you win?
  27. Has a fellow ham ever referred to you as more knowledgeable?
  28. Did you take an element merely for the sake of "seeing if you would pass"?
  29. ...Did you pass?
  30. Do you own a HT?
  31. ...A Morse Code key(er)?
  32. ...a j-pole or any small antenna?
  33. ...a belt for the HT?
  34. ...A TNC?
  35. ...A HF rig?
  36. ...SWR meter?
  37. ...oscilloscope?
  38. ...a vacuum tube?
  39. ...any satellite paraphernalia?
  40. ...microwave gear?
  41. Do you have a "junk box"?
  42. ...with projects you have not finished in the last six months?
  43. ...that makes fellow hams come to you for a much-needed part?
  44. Does your operating area has papers on the floor?
  45. ...ham magazines more than 5 years old?
  46. ...old moldy food and/or unwashed coffee mugs by the transmitter?
  47. Check here if you ever slept in the operating area.
  48. Did you ever entered any contest?
  49. ...and won something?
  50. Did your voice get hoarse after a contest/Field Day/DXpedition?
  51. Did you ever attended Field Day?
  52. ...and helped yourself too many to the food there?
  53. ...and pulled an all-nighter there?
  54. ...cursed yourself the next day for being so tired and bloated, but cannot wait to go next year?
  55. Have you work DX?
  56. ...while being the receiving end of the pile-up?
  57. Have you got any operating awards (DXCC, WAS, CQ WAZ, IOTA)?
  58. Have you made it to the Honor Roll?
  59. Are you in the A-1 Operators' Club?
  60. Are you in the Rag Chewers' Club?
  61. Do you belong to The American Radio Relay League (or some other IARU-affiliated Society)?
  62. Are you a Life Member (Add one point if Charter Member)?
  63. Do you hold any positions in the League (Section Manager, PIO, Director, Secretary, President, etc)?
  64. Do you belong to the QCWA (or planning to be in it if you are a "Young Squirt")?
  65. ...FISTS or No-Code International?
  66. ...YLRL, OMIK, WACRAL, CARF, HAAM, Lambda, or any other special interest group?
  67. ...a Volunteer Examiner group (ARRL/VEC, W5YI, GLAARG)?
  68. ...a local Amateur Radio club or an emergency group?
  69. Mark this box if you hold any office in your local Radio Club.
  70. Do you have subscriptions to QST?
  71. ...CQ?
  72. ...73 (Never Say Die!!!)?
  73. ...WorldRadio?
  74. ...QEX?
  75. Do you ever listen to Newsline or RAIN?
  76. Do you own any badges with your callsign on it?
  77. Any clothing with a Ham Radio reference on it?
  78. Any sign with your callsign on it?
  79. Have you ever referred to anyone by callsign?
  80. ...while in an non-ham setting (In a classroom: "As Barry Goldwater K7UGA said in his book...")?
  81. Does your family and non-ham friends call you by your callsign?
  82. Did your significant other murmur your callsign during your time together? ("Oh darling WX6XYZ, I'm yours...")
  83. Do you skip family events for hamfests, conventions, etc.?
  84. Did you ever spend your money for ham gear when that said money is meant for groceries/bills/dentist appointments?
  85. Does your neighbor ever gets ticked off over your tower/RFI/noise situation?
  86. Have you ever gone to a convention?
  87. ...and met Gordon West WB6NOA or any big name ham?
  88. ...and took a picture of that moment for posterity?
  89. ...and spent some money on junk?
  90. ...and got inducted into the Royal Order of the Wouff-Hong? (I haven't yet...pray for me that I'll get inducted! Let me know if you are praying for me on that matter.- C.R.)
  91. Did you win the Early-Bird or Grand Prize at the convention?
  92. Do you consider donuts as the "Breakfast of Champions"?
  93. Does the people at Radio Shack/Ham Radio Outlet/any radio store know you by name?
  94. Do you know what "73" meant?
  95. ..."33"?
  96. ..."88"?
  97. ..."99"?
  98. ..."RST IS 599"?
  99. ..."QSL"?
  100. ..."CUL es GUD DX"?
  101. Have you ever stayed out past 1:00am with other hams after a club meeting?
  102. ...on a work/school night?
  103. ...on your anniversary night? (Couch City for you!)
  104. Is your dashboard/front seat/kick panel cluttered with coax cable or meters or (multiple) mobile transceivers?
  105. Does your car/truck/bicycle look like a porcupine?
  106. ...but you keep on adding more?
  107. the detriment of your spouse?
  108. Do you take your HT inside the restaurant/shopping center/place of worship with you?
  109. ...turned on in case "one of the guys" calls? (Thanks to Rich Lobato KF4DMC for contributing questions 101-109)
  110. When looking for a college, do you check if there is a ham radio club before looking at everything else?
  111. Do you refer to beer as a "cold 807"?
  112. Do you go to the movies solely for the Ham Radio/Morse Code references? (Guilty! I've seen Phenomenon, Contact, and Frequency solely for Amateur Radio. -C.R.)
  113. ...and you notice the bloopers (Hey! that's a receiver, not a transmitter!)
  114. ...and you got thrown out because of the raucus you've made?
  115. Have you took this test more than once?

Smashing good job OM!