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That was the day I won the OP Pro in Huntington Beach. Kickass day. Pictures, cover of Surfer Magazine, and /man/ did I get laid. Rocked.

. This was taken down in Australia when me and Darin went last year. God, the sets were insane. I can't wait to do that again

This one was while we were in Japan. One of these days I'll get Darin in the water. He prefers to stay out and take pictures with that high powered camera he found. Works for me.

.  My cousin drew this after Darin and I visited him.  His first published Manga.  Talk about embarassed. At least my mom isn't alive to find out about it. She'd have shit twinkies

Probably wondering what I look like. Well. There you have it. That was taken when I was living in LA and bartending at one A-list club or another. Maybe it was the one I owned. I don't remember, honestly. I just know I was at work because I actually have eyeliner on. Bigger tips, y'know.

   So that's the latest Manga my cousin is working on.  He really has a thing for me and Darin in his stories now. I don't know if I should be worried or not.