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     Take a trip down memory lane.....


      Robs is planning a get together of sorts an anniversary and a birthday all rolled into one....we're  trying  to get a hold of as many of the the oldies from robs to come on out and meet some of the newer folks...

 Its a two day event....we're celebrating Lew taking over Robs a year ago, and his birthday...couple that with so many new & familiar faces, and we're talkin' *PARTY* .. I'm sure  it  promises to be full of some great past memories & bound to make some new ones ..Not only that but as  a kicker...Lew doesn't get birthday gifts..*L* (he's been bad , not fixing those ise's)... so he's passing them out...door prizes...really! Get out those old email addy's and icq numbers.. send this url to all your friends...Lets make this the best &  biggest get together Robs ever had...*W*....maybe we'll blow up the server and get a faster one...* lol *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Place ::  http://www.robs-place/   

     Date ::  Friday/Saturday April 6th-07th 2001